I purchased two lazy-boy recliner sofas in march 2010 and from day one i hated them they were uncomfortable and just got worse, they were not like the ones's at the store. when i went back to the store I was told that I could not trade them in that the owner will call me. a month later a service manager called me and sent out someone to take pictures of the couches. i had him sit on one couch and recline and then sit on the other and he said "man you can really feel the difference, the wood is hitting you in the back." in the few months that i have had the couches the backs of the recliners have lost their padding and if you recline you get wood in you spine. if you sit anywhere but in the center of the cusion you are sitting on the frame of the couch, you can feel the wood between the recliner ends and the middle seat. you can lean on the side of the couch (when you are laying on couch) and the recliner ends seperate from the middle.
The manager had some other guy call me and tell me that he called the manufacturer and they have never heard of all these problems that i am having with mine. now reading all the different websites and reading that people are having the same problems as far back as 4-6 years, i know that i am going to have a fight on my hands to get the problem solved. the manager wants to put on new seat backs and "check out all the other claims" before he decides to let me exchange my furniture. once he gets done with that if the problem happens again the he will replace the furniture.