I received an email today from a consumer regarding a complaint they had against LBS Health Options and WC Value-Plus V. The consumers' email is as follows...
"I have been a victim of the same scam like many other people. I have done what you have suggested. I have been charged for LBS Health Options and Value-Plus V. I called both of them and only Value Plus was able to offer full refund of my money. LBS Health Options only wanted to give partial part of the money. I need you to help me get my full refund. Can you please help me?" (End of message)
I called the company about this consumers' complaint and I now understand what is happening. I have received numerous complaints about this company from consumers, however, I did not know how the company was getting the consumers' permission to charge their account. What happens is this...
(1). A representative from the company calls you to offer you their products and services. The respresentative speaks very quickly and offers you a $40.00 gas card for FREE or some other type of FREE offer. The rep informs you more than once that the offer is FREE. All you need to do is type in your birthdate, (month and year), and that will confirm your purchase. The rep does not give you much time to think about the call or the offer. The rep will persuade you to take advantage of their service and unless you are assertive you most likely will be talked into accepting the offer. So with your typing in your birdate information the rep requested you have confirmed that you accept their offer which is for the Value-Plus V program. So far so good. You are going to receive vouchers for $40.00 worth of gas along with the information concerning their company and services they offer. You will have 30 days to review the program. If you do not want to keep the membership YOU need to call them and cancel the membership or your credit/debit card will be billed $19.95 a month until you do call them and cancel the service. If you call to cancel the membership ask for the name of the rep you speak with. Write down the date and time of your call. If they do not cancel your membership call your bank and inform whoever you speak with that the charge is fraudulent and you would like the money refunded back to your account. The sooner you contact your bank the better. Do not delay in calling your bank to report the fraudulent charges. You have to contact your bank before 60 days pass to get the charges refunded back to your account so be sure to contact your bank before 60 days pass from the time you are fraudulently charged.
(2). Next, while you are on the phone the rep is going to offer you their LBS Health Options Package for FREE. For accepting the offer you will receive some discount vouchers for restaurants or other types of services or products. All, for FREE. You have 30 days to review the program. If you do not want to keep the membership YOU will need to call the company and cancel the service just like you did with the Value-Plus V Program. YOU will need to call to cancel the membership within 30 days. If you do not call to cancel the membership the company will continue to charge you $49.95 until you do. You need to cancel both or all services that you have been charged for separately. You will need to cancel the Value-Plus V Program and then you will need to cancel the LBS Health Options Membership separately. If you do not do this you will still be charged for what ever service you did not cancel.
(3). To cancel the services call (866) 916-1190 and ask to cancel both the Value-Plus and LBS Health Options or whatever memberships you have purchased. Remember, you have to cancel each membership individually. You can also email the company at
[email protected].
Also, if it were me I would write a letter to the company to cancel my services as well. Be sure to list the memberships you wish to cancel individually. Send your letter to the following address and request a confirmation from the USPS. This service costs you a little more money, but you will have proof someone actually received and signed for your letter. Send your cancellation letter to:
Member Services
Lifeguard Benefit Services
4929 West Royal Lane
Irving, TX 75063
Web Address: Life Guard Health Options Web Site
I hope this information helps you.
If you are a consumer with a compliment, complaint, concern, issue, question, or a SCAM to report please email me at
[email protected] or call me at (570) 341-6796 and I will be delighted to try and help you if I can.