June 21, 2011
LDS Travel otherwise known as ldstravel.com or voyagertravel or brian mickelsen owner did a number on many travlers internationally by booking airline tics just two weeks before the international travel. folks that had booked with the firm months before had not heard anything from the agent and thought they had been taken (i.e., paid for nothing) and said that agent was unresponsive until 'pushed' or one guy actually drove to their office because trip was pending and he had been waiting months for details after havinge booked. our recommendation - book with these guys at your peril and discomfort because you will find out your itenerary only a week before the trip whether you book months before. you will have to generally book your own seats and you will have close to no hand holding that you find with your typical travel agency. Our view is stay away or book your own airfare unless you are up for a worrisome time waiting to find out your trip details only a week before. they had promised us at least three weeks before and we got our itenerary only a week before in the mail and had to book nearly all seats and ended up sitting apart on the plane. agent said 'that's good' 'you guys are all on the same flight!' Wow! isn't that a given! we got on the same flight but beware these guys waited until the absolute last minute (or two weeks anyway) before booking trip flight and we had signed up months before. Opinion: Very scary. Not your typical agency. So don't expect much and you won't get a discount.