HughesNet Customer Service
cc HughesNet Supervisors
cc HughesNet Financial Department
cc HughesNet Tech Support
P.O. Box 96874
Chicago, IL 606963-6874
Legal Dispute with HughesNet
Account #DSS7258933
To all whom it may concern,
I have contacted the long list of departments above, because no one is willing to help me with this unfair fraugelent charge against me. Therefore before I turn this over to an attorney I am attempting one last time to resolve this problem with you. Please review this letter and direct it to the appropriate person who
handles these matters.
I own an Inn, where people stay, usually just on weekends. I provide HughesNet WiFi service for them to use when they are staying in the Inn. I do not live there. I do not own a laptop computer I can hook up there. I just provide the 7000 modem and a router. The Inn is seasonal and in the winter months, in the past, Hughes was gracious enough to let me suspend the service in the winter months. When I called HughesNet in November and asked to suspend the account for a few months they told me that I could not because I had used up my suspension time. So I decided, to save a little money, $20. a month, in the winter when no one is in the Inn, and that I would reduce my service from The Executive package, $79. a month, down to the lower speed of $59. a month.I was not informed by HughesNet that I would need to reactivate the new plan, in fact I told the service rep that the next time someone stayed in the Inn they would go in and use it then and not until then. In the past if I needed someone at the Inn to do something with a computer, I have always requested HughesNet to send someone out with a laptop to activate new service or troubleshoot the system. If I had know that you were going to terminate my service I would have asked the service representative to send out a tech person with a laptop to activate the new plan and I would have payed for them to come out. When I did have someone stay in the Inn a few weeks later, they informed me that the service was not working and then a few days later I got a bill for $700. on this account. So I called HughesNet and they informed me that I had terminated my account early, which I did not at all do. I never authorized it terminated. When I explained what had happen, they said okay well you still owe us $700. and then we will give it right back to you and set up another account for you. I told them that I did not have $700. and that I could not pay it right now. Since then I have not had the money to pay the $700. On 3/6/09 I called a supervisor at Hughes about getting my service back on and he informed me that now they will not give $700. back to me, because now I have waited too long to pay the $700. I talked to Tech Support and they say my account is still open and that they can easily re-activate my account. No one at HughesNet informed me that there was a time limit on when I needed to pay the $700 by, and then get it credited back to me, until now. No one was even willing to put in writing that they would in fact give me the $700. back if I payed it. So I had no guarantee it would be returned to me ever at all. So at this point I have a new satellite and no service and all I was trying to do was to reduce my bill a little in the winter months when financial times are harder for us. I would like to continue my service with Hughes net and I am even willing to go back to the way I had the service on Executive. I would have been paying my bill every month for the last 5 months had I still had my service. Due to two miscommunications, you say I owe you all this money, because I terminated early and this was not my intention to have this happen, I did not authorize mt account to be terminated, this you did without my permission. I feel that I should not be treated this way when I have been a good paying customer and I did not want to ever be terminated and still do not want to be. Meanwhile not having WiFi is hurting my business as far as booking out my Inn for the Spring and Summer months, interest is important to my clientele and so now you are putting my financial situation in jeopardy.
Holly Harman
Post Office Box 473
Cloverdale, CA 95425
Phone 707-494-0314