I have 2 accounts with Leadsleap one free, the other pro.
The free account has over 25 referrals and get 500 credits per month
The pro account has over 30 referrals - I had over 2, 700 credits
because I opened the account on July 30th and got most of the referrals
before August 7th at 100 credits per referral.
The pro account had over 30 referrals and 2, 700 credits for over two weeks.
Today I logged into the pro account and realized the 2, 700 credits were gone
and I had only 18 referrals - maybe a computer error?
If US citizens are going pro at leadsleap why be discourteous towards them?
Is it that admin doesn't want the customer to have the 2, 700 credits and 500
credits per month?
Why play games by taking away the credits and taking away just the amount of
referrals so that one can't enjoy the benefits of 500 credits per month?
Is there censorship here?
I don't agree with the attitude of "I can do anything I want to because I can"
I don't like admin abusing power
The 30 referrals and 2, 700 credits are rightfully mine.
It appears that someone at Leadsleap may have a vendetta or be trying
to cause aggravation for some unknown reason.