It seems anytime I mail my monthly payment to Leaf, it always shows up in their hands a day late. A late charge of $39 incurs if late.
I have mailed payments to New York (from California) and they typically make it there in 4 days. Again, this month, I decided to mail in my payment to Leaf (I pay by phone most of the time because they're unreliable, but it costs me an extra $10 to phone it in) because times are tight.
I mailed my payment on March 12, 2009, figuring they should receive it by the 20th, the due date. Well, today is the 20th and they still haven't "received" it.
This is a 5 year contract, which ends in January 2010, thankfully.
I need to point out that this has been ongoing for 2 years now. I didn't have many problems with this company in the 2 years prior to that.
I spoke to a Supervisor, Ruth. She told me that the payments get sent to a lock box (P.O. Box) and there is no schedule for checking it.
She offered waive the late charge, providing I enroll for automatic bank withdrawals. I don't like people having access to my money like that, but it seems I have no power to oversee their ability to screw me. It seems they have a system like the mob. No matter what I do, I pay.
I will make double sure I have no further business involvement with Leaf Funding once this contract has ended.