On or about January 25th I heard an ad on KSL 1160 AM that this company was having a special. For approximately $50 I could get an energy-efficient automatic thermostat installed and a 12 point check on my furnace. I did get those, but in addition the guy tried his best to sell me an entire furnace by telling me my furnace was old, that several parts on it were about to go out, it was dangerous and leaking carbon monoxide, etc. I was suspicious because he was being a little pushy so told him I would think about it, and called a different company to come to check.
Turns out my furnace is considered relatively new, the motor I had replaced within the last year is still in top shape and in no way ready to go out, and the only problem was easily fixed by a simple cleaning out. I definitely didn't need an entire new furnace.
I saved myself thousands of dollars! I asked the better company about Lee's and he told me he has heard many similar complaints. A former Lee's employee told him that Lee's technicians are instructed to go out and sell as much as they can.