Legacy International is legally located in CA but not registered with the BBB of CA. Due to the multitude of complaints the BBB gives Legacy a "F" rating. An "F" rating from the BBB states that; "Our opinion we strongly question the company’s reliability for reasons such as that they have failed to respond to complaints, their advertising is grossly misleading, they are not in compliance with the law’s licensing or registration requirements, their complaints contain especially serious allegations, or the company’s industry is known for its fraudulent business practices."
Luis Garcia is listed by the BBB as the "Quality Assurance" contact person for this company at: 1-800-553-4218. Bottom line: Call JFK airport and ask them to remove their pay phones or change providers. In the mean time DO NOT USE PUBLIC PAY PHONES TO MAKE COLLECT CALLS TO ANYONE. This industry is unregulated by government. This gives greedy people the right to steal your money. WARN all people especially those people entering the USA to not make collect calls from public phones.