Place is a total scam, promises you a loan acts real slick with runnig you credit report, asking for a co-signer that is never good enough for them then asks for an "insurance payment" for the loan (which is illegal). You send the money via Western Union to some guy in Canada and promisse a transfer to your account. The transfer never occurs, you contact them and they say that the lender has changed his mind and wants more for the insurance and money still does not get deposited. Eventually they never answer the phone on you becuase of caller ID and they do answer the phone they hang up on you.
Warning! These guys are real slick, I have been around the block and they scammed me. This team are real pro's. They might even write a rebuttle and be all slick aboout it, bottom line is that these people are Con Artist of the highest degree.
Address is fake, registered with the BBB but all info supplied is fake also, this company has a habit of changing its name (I have run the names of their members and they come back as scams) I will continue the tradition.
The team of scammers
Tom Baker
Kathline Alotuik
Robert Allen
Elliot Jeffries
Karen Kamilly
William Roberts
These names come from their loan document, looks real enough and has all these really cool stats and pictures but all a scam. Learn from me do not send these people any money, I lost $500 to these guys. Don't let it happen to you!