Their endless number of entry-level "executive account manager" positions should tip you off right away. These guys post fake job positions all over the web. It's like casting several lines with the right bait. There were about 7 alone on this one site I went to.
I've experienced the same thing many other bloggers have posted. They spend about five minutes interviewing you with the usual routine corporate-style inquerry putting you "on the spot". These guys have definitely done their homework. After the interview, right away you're congradulated on being "selected" and are urged to come in for a second interview spending the whole day shadowing someone to learn the biz.
In actuality, it's just a multi-level-marketing scheme where you try to recruit others to market their junk. They make it sound so enticing to the eager green college grad with an impressive title like "excutive account manager". It's laughable. These guys have also operated under the name of "Essential Communication Solutions". Sounds very vague yet it sounds very impressive doesn't it. As you spend more time pounding the pavement, you'll become more in tune with all those sloppy red flags. Just be alert and practice strict detective work on all of them. You'll be more savvy in the long run.