Never work for this nursing home. I made the mistake of giving this place nearly five years of my life.
If you are a lazy, worthless idiot, then fine work there. If you don't give a rat's ass about those you are supposed to take care of.. Your job there is secure.
If you really care and work hard, you will be harassed. You will be in trouble for calling in. You will be given odd days to work. Never plan on having weekends off! You can't complain about abusive co-workers because the administration will not listen. You get no raises, no benefits... never any holidays off. The only perk is you get paid on your birthday after you work there a year. (only if you are off... you don't get double pay if you work)
You also don't want to have a child who has to see the doctor regularly, nor do you want to have to see a doctor regularly as you will be told that 'special arrangements can't be made for you'.
This place also tells other employment establishments (in any field, not just other nursing homes) that you are a bad worker, that you call in all the time, that you are irresponsible) when you try to get another job to leave them.
They are unethical in their treatment of staff and residents.
Don't work for them and never put your family in this facility