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LG Reviews

April 15, 2008
Poor phone and poor service rep
I purchased a LG Choc phone on November28/07. I had a problem on the 30th, which i returned to the store to address.The representative told me, , i did not know how to use this phone, and it was a battery, and I was a compulsive shopper, indicating the phone was my fault.She installed a new battery and did not offer to replace it as they advertise, or let me upgrade it..
Though less then pleased I took the phone back.Then on the 27 of December 07, I took it back again, as it went completely dead... with in a month of purchase.. so then they sent it away for repair, and gave me a loaner old phone.
It took 6 weeks or little more to get my " new" phone back, and I lost my photos, music i had purchased from their company..from a recent vacation.
I took my " new " repaired phone back and trtied not to think about the hassle the representative gave me..
The phone lasted a little while and then it died again, so was return Again and I have not gotten it back yet..
My phone and LG CHocolate has been boughten in Nov and I figured out that in 20 weeks since purchase I had it only 10 weeeks or less...
My Advise would be to Never Ever Buy a LG product, nor use BC Tel or Tac mobily ever.. Neither stands behind their product, orservice..
April 5, 2008
very rude behaviour with technicians.
I have brought a 29inchs LG television five days back, And i was told that u will be given a demo from the company.no one turned up, so, i called the call center plenty of times but they are telling me that ur house was locked.we didnt go out of our house for past 6 days.but here technians are playing games.if u people are not intrested in coming to customer place., u should stop givings ads .this is a vey big disappointment made to us ..., we brought a new tv and didnt open it for 6 days.i strongly condem LG electronics for this ..., and provide sme one for demo to my place as soon as possible.my phone number is 04426163029.
April 2, 2008
my incoming and outgoing calls
dear sir
my mobile of incoming and outgoing service is stoped you plese fast activate my services and my mo no 9310764821
my detailes
name amit kumar
February 20, 2008
I purchased a brand new LG refrigerator with a freezer on the bottom in May of 2005 from Best Buy on 20th street and Camelback in Phoenix and in January 2008 it died. I was told that it was the condenser coils and was designed poorly causing the coils to rust a hole int he water pan. I would not buy and LG and warn anyone who is thinking of doing so. there customer services is horrible english is not a first language and you cant escalate or talk to anyone who actually can help you. Another example of a big company who manufactures garbage for hardworking people. I have made it a mission to spread awareness about LOG refrigerators and will make sure i do as much knowledge sharing as possible.
January 3, 2008
Callous Rude, discourteous behaviour of LG officials
----- Original Message -----
From: Rajneesh Madhok
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 9:02 PM
Subject: Email from lgindia.com >> Customer Query

----- Original Message -----
From: Rajneesh Madhok
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 9:00 PM
Subject: Fw: Callous Rude, discourteous behaviour of LG officials

----- Original Message -----
From: Rajneesh Madhok
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 8:41 PM
Subject: Callous Rude, discourteous behaviour of LG officials

Ph: 01824-262569 (O), 268210 (R)

Mobile : 94173-06415,

E-mail: [email protected]

Tele-fax: 01824-262569





RM/12/1/441 Date: Jan 3, 2008


Respected Sir/Madam,

I went to LG office /Area Depot Village Khajurla, Near Phagwara to make a query regarding LG26LX7R LCD Screen. I hope this is the number, mostly the dealers specify it as 7R. As there was a difference in the price in the market of Rs. 6,000/- for the same product, I went there to enquire about the matter and wanted to purchase the product. As the market is quoting the price starting from Rs. 27,000, with variation to Rs. 28,500/-, 29,500/- Rs 30,500/-, 31,500/- & again Rs. 32,500/-. As there is difference of more than 20% for the same product in the same town. I became curious to know the fact. In this process how I became the victim of callous, rude, discourteous behaviour of officials of LG. The tale begins as under:

1. On 1st Jan 2008, I went to LG Office at Khajurla to make the query with the concerned Manager. Firstly the Security Guard was reluctant to reply anything. Any how he told me that today is off-day so no staff member is there.

2. On 1st Jan the company’s depot was also closed.

3. On 2nd Jan again I went to Company’s depot first. The official directed me to contact to the Office. Then I went to Khajurla office of LG Company.

4. Ond 2nd Jan, I requested to the Security Guard that I want to see the Manager. He said why & Who are you? I said that I am a customer and want to purchase an LCD Tv, so I have come to get the query. He said go to the market and get the knowledge from the dealers. On my insitences somehow he permitted me to go to office.

5. Then I met with receptionist and said that I want to see the Manager. She enquired Why? & Who I am. I repeated my purpose that I want to purchase the LCD and told her that I am a customer. She said “No”. You are not allowed. I requested her again and told her that previously I have purchased One Tv, One Refrigerator, One A.C. and the concerned Manager had arranged the deal. She said O.K. I just talk to the Manager. She went inside and came back and said the Manager? Who Manager? I said Mr. Sachdeva. She said O.K. She went inside and told me that the Manager will not meet you. Then I handed my Visiting Card to her that Specified that I am Distt. President of Bahujan Samaj Party (Khatri Wing). Then again she went in and said the Manager will not meet you.

6. After a few minutes an official came out Mr. Ashutosh Sharma 99880-99024, He enquired the subject. I said I want to see Mr. Sachdeva. He enquired the reason. I told him the purpose. As he moved inside to enquire from Mr. Sahdeva as I tried to accompany him. He said Go outside. As I had just put a step inside the office I was made to Go Outside. I came out, after a few minutes the person named Mr. Ashutosh Sharma came out and said that you can not see Mr. Sachdeva. I requested him to arrange for the LCD. He told me that there is no Sales Personnel in the office at present. I shall make you a call shortly. After the expiry of 36 hours no one has called me.


1. I must not forget to mention that the officials of LG are absolutely callous, rude & discourteous.

2. Is it that Sales Manager & the staff has been employed with a lesson of rude behaviour.

3. L.G. is dealing with the consumer durable products which have service Orientation. IS IT GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE?

4. Whether the need is only from customer side & Sales Officers and LG officials are least bothered to manage customer.

5. Whether we the customers are not more than a mud that has no existence. It is Punjabi couplet “Roori de wi din badlde hun”. That the dust (After harvesting wheat crop) changes its time. As when it gets the help of the wind it reaches to the head who press it regularly.

6. Why LG officials ARE FURIOUS. Is it because the cusomer came from lower caste & had not asked permission to enter in his office. Though Mr. Sachdeva belongs to a caste which is prominently called “Refugee” or “Jhangi” in our community & I belong to a prestigious caste Khatri with Doaba based ancestors. Our ancestors have never sold cowdung cakes as Mr. Sachdeva’s community had been selling.

7. Though I never met Mr. Sahdeva, he must be living in inferiority complex. As this community had been deprived off from sitting nearby. That’s why he tries to behave like this.

8. I had not gone to get any sort of the alm from Mr. Sachdeva. Now I understand why our forefathers hate this Aroras (Sachdeva Caste people) because they people don’t have etiquettes to move in society.

The Sale & Purchase is the secondary point. The first point which all the advanced countries officials favour. That they people regard the Customer and don’t misbehave with the customers like LG Officials.

I hope that the LG officials will investigate the matter.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

(Rajneesh Madhok)
December 27, 2007
Damaged TV
Here's the letter I sent to Corp. since I could get no one to really care about this. Probably a waste of time.

December 26, 2007

Brad Anderson, CEO
Best Buy Co., Inc.
Corporate Headquarters
P.O. Box 9312
Minneapolis, MN 55440-9312

Mr. Anderson:

Christmas, 2007, my two children combined their resources to purchase a plasma television for my wife and me. The cost was just over $1,000. I know what your annual salary is and I’m doubtful that $1,000. means the same to you as it does to my children who have a combined annual income of less than $40,000. When the purchase was made, they declined the extended warranty for an additional $250. They also chose to take procession of the unit since it could not have been delivered prior to Jan. 2. Naturally, they wanted to surprise us on Christmas morning. The 42” television was placed in a late model pick-up and brought home. My son rode in the back just to insure an uneventful trip. I’ll spare you all the details and skip to Christmas morning when we cut the straps and removed the box. The screen was cracked all around the border and extended into the center of the television.
Our children were more disappointed then we were. I assured them that we would be able to return the unit on Wednesday and exchange it.

We returned the product on Wednesday. After a lengthy inspection, the young clerk came out to say that they would not be able to do anything about the damage and that if I had any questions, I could call corporate. I hadn’t expected a response of that nature and asked for details. The young lady said she could not provide them but again repeated that I could call corporate. We requested to speak with the manager. After awhile, a young man came out without an introduction and promptly announced that after inspection, they determined they could not replace the television. When I asked for specific reasons, he refused to provide them. I indicated I would like specific details so I could have accurate information if I had to speak with another person at corporate. He held firm at which time I removed the top of the box and revealed the product. I again requested he show me what they were looking at that brought them to that decision. Reluctantly, he pointed to what they thought were some carpet fibers near the top and concluded that this television had likely been dropped on the front.

At this point, my son became a bit upset and told the Manager that was crazy and that if it had been dropped it was by someone other than us. We’re sorry, he said, there is nothing we can do. If you feel this is not fair, please call corporate.

I contacted corporate and spoke with a very kind and professional woman named Anna. I explained the situation, and then she placed me on hold so she could contact the store for details. Upon her return in about 5 minutes, I was told that the Store Manager did not believe the store was at fault. He pointed out that my son had refused delivery and also an extended warranty which would have resolved the issue. He also noted that the TV. had been placed in a truck without padding, so they could not be responsible. Anna apologized but said there was nothing more she could do. I asked her what if any options I had. After being placed on hold again for a short while, she returned to inform me that the Manager would be willing to sell us another television at a discounted price.

This is where my two cents comes in Mr. Anderson. I am very disappointed for my children especially. They worked hard to accumulate the funds needed to buy that television. My son was extremely careful in transporting. As for the “no padding” comment, the ride in this truck is most likely smoother than the delivery truck and the television was padded inside the box quite well. In retrospect, he wished he would have had the store open the box for inspection prior to departure. It was observed that the person moving the product from the warehouse handled it less carefully than at any time after the purchase.

I was disappointed in the way the situation was handled by the Manager and the comments suggesting we may have dropped it on the carpet. I was especially surprised at the lack of empowerment the employees demonstrated. When questions became pointed, they bailed out and defaulted to “corporate”. I would have expected the Manager to first of all, involve us in the inspection process. After the decision was made, what about something like, “Mr. Barber, I’m terribly sorry. This is an unfortunate situation, however, we are not going to be able to replace the television for this reason…………………I understand how you are feeling but let me explain our options in this matter. (Repair, discount replacement or whatever) Here is a customer that just spent over $1,000. with you, opened the box to discover it was broken, and the customer is told very pointedly, there is nothing we can do and if you have any further questions, call corporate.

I can imagine your stores are faced with tremendous challenges and pressure on a regular basis regarding return policies, especially around the Holidays. However, it seems if you are serious about being concerned with customer loyalty, your employees should be empowered to make judgment calls. Perhaps a quick search on my son’s purchasing activity would have informed them that for a young man, he was a pretty good customer with numerous purchases over the past few years. Perhaps if employees knew the decision rested with them, they would have asked a few questions about the whole situation in an attempt to gather facts instead of so quickly coming up with reasons why they were not at fault.

From what I have read Mr. Anderson, your bonus is determined by the customer-loyalty scores, employee turnover, and customer-centricity store revenue. So basically, if Best Buy’s customers are unhappy, you don’t get as big a bonus.

We have quite a large extended family here in the Clearwater area and we all do frequent business with Best Buy. I have not heard of a single negative comment about your company until recently when a friend shared the story about purchasing a TV and the warranty plan. Shortly thereafter, there was a problem with the TV’s audio, so she called Best Buy to have them come out and look at it. Their technicians weren’t able to come out for nearly two weeks It seems that they’re booked solid until then. After this eye opening experience, I began researching and discovered that there are numerous unhappy former customers of Best Buy. You should take the time to read them.

I thank you Mr. Anderson, for the time you took to read this …If you actually read it. My guess is that I will never know. I’m not looking for any compensation here…we’ll resolve it ourselves by vowing not to shop Best Buy any longer and explain to our family and friends why we made that decision. If the information regarding your bonus is correct, you may be a few dollars short next year.


Ken Barber
1268 Center Ave.
Tarpon Springs, FL. 34689
November 11, 2007
LG service repairmen Thumbs down!!
Im so beyond mad ..

We bought a new LG stove 1 yr ago, well the oven and 3 burners stopped working all of a sudden over 1 month ago.
The day it happened i called home depot where i bought it and they said i had purchased a extended 4 yr warranty so it is covered some one will contact me within 48 hours to come and fix it ok i said.

Next day noone called me, next day no call still finally i called LG and they gave me a number to the company they "hire" out to do repair work. I call them and they schedule a appt for someone to come out took them a week to show up.. then the guy doesn't even look at my stove he says oh whats wrong i told him he said oh ya its the control board....

OK why couldn't you have told me that 1 week ago when we spoke and you could've ordered the part then?
He had no answer.. so weeks go by no calls no nothing from them. When i had called them they were so so rude.

In the mean time we've been eating out and making mirco wave crap cause we have 1 and a half burners that work and no oven!

Long story short they still havent fixed it this was over a month ago ... I called they said oh we just got the part in we can schedule for some one to come out on the 25th?

So i will have been almost 2 months no stove are you kidding me ??? why pay for a extended warranty if you cant get the stuff fixed??

The company they hired out is either lazy or way to busy ughhh i am so irritated

What should i do?? Is this even right or fair?
October 16, 2007
Waiting for 5 weeks for TV board replacement

I have a 21 inch LG tV with Sub wofer and so on.. ( RT-21FD55VQ ), thanks to power supply some how my
Board got burnt away and it needs to be replaced. I gave it to A-One Service center as directed from LG Customer
support. They are making me waiting for 5 Long weeks, saying this model of board is not available ( FYI: I just bought
it 15 months back ) have they stopped making the board, and there is no compatible board for the same ?????

It is pizzing my life have spent around 13K to buy the tv now no where to go.

- Ajit :(((
October 1, 2007
Poor service!
I bought a new 50 inch plasma tv About 2 weeks later I noticed a green bar on left side The store had me call LG service in Alabama The LG service had me call long distance to a service company The service company called back. but never came out A month went by I again called service company, they had no record, LG had record and finally called another service provided No one called after a week. I ended up driving 70 miles each way to Atlanta to swap the TV A 50 inch is having not to speak of the $80 in gas.

LG never did service tv and their customer support had no clue as what service is including management which never followed up. I have 3 LG appliances and hope they don't break as the service center does not work.

Think twice before buying LG products!!!
September 25, 2007
Pathetic after sales performance and service!
I own two televisions from this company and one washing machine. The golden eye television stopped working after 8 years of good work. I called the service center in my state [J and K] and they responded promptly. In the same period my 1.5 year old washing machine stopped working. the service boy was very cordial and got both working in a day. The charge 2200 hundred rupees. Within one month both stopped working again. The service boy came and worked on them and charged 1900 rupees. The tv is not working and the washing machine intermittently. I called him and he took the board from inside the tv saying he would be back in a day. Despite repeated calls he has not returned for over a month. What crooks are they employing to fleece customers!!!

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