Today I received in my mail a 30 trial membership package from a company named "Life Essentials." There is cataloge that has information about everything from food packages, flowers, vitamins, cookware, travel packages - (to name a few).
You can order all these things at discounts through this company.
The letter which came with it says that after 30 days they will charge your credit card with an annual fee. (NO AMOUNT STATED)
I did not apply for this!!! Don't know how this happened!!! (I "did" order something from Amazon a few days ago. This must be the only way the got my information.)
There is a phone number for billing questions and I called it right away. 1-888-981-3354
There was a real person at the other end - she answered the call as "Healthy Essentials" . I explained that I did not know why I got this trial membership and she did not have an answer. I told her to cancel this because I was not interested. She tried to talk me into the bebefits of their service, and give me 90 days to review and try the service. WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP... I said NO, I did not order this and am not interested - Cancel this account, and give me a confirm number. She finally did - Thank God. Now I will await my credit card statement with hope there are no charges from this company.
I saw some other complaints on this site with other names that have "Essentials" in the company name.