I was taking pictures with my camera at the front of the gym to send some pictures back home, so that when my friends came to visit, what the place looked like where we were going to workout. Obviously, to show them the nice gym and equipment.
One of the members said that, what I was doing was against the law. I told him, only if I did it in the washrooms or if I wasn't a member, then it would be elegal for me to tresspass. Before, the argument got to heated, I put the camera in the car (I don't know if I will bring friends here). When I returned they were still talking and the manager said he should delete my pictures, are any lawyers listening to this. If you look on line you can fine numerous cases where the police have deleted pictures and destroyed regular photos and negatives and they lost their jobs. That's personal property. He then tolds me it was against the policy for members to take pictures in the gym and he had just talked to his corporate office. I'm possitive they didn't go out on a limb for him like that. I checked with our right's to photograph and I was correct. Even if I wasn't a member they could not take the camera from me or make me delete the picures, someting about the 4th amendment. I understand where some places could be a bad idea to allow picture taking, but a gym. I remember when competition time came around and we used to have flash bulbs. I never heard a complaint. The member looked like he was a new member, if he wasn't he should get his money back. But the staff manager has been around for a year. I tried to explain that maybe we don't like certain laws when they aren't the way we see them but when we need the law to work for us, boy is it useful. That's how all these photographers get pictures of the stars. Not only in public but in restaurants, etc. The facility is at East 64 in Bradenton, FL. Bring your camera. By the way the member worked for one of the schools. Where no one should be allowed to take the pictures of the children going there. I agree there. But, I may be wrong.