LifeTime Fitness

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Minnesota, United States

LifeTime Fitness Reviews

Brad Wegner June 2, 2011
30 day cancellation fee
I signed up back in January of 2011 and at the time was told during the "pitch" that it was no problem closing the account at anytime in the future. They really stress no contract! After checking other fitness centers I decided paying 75 bucks a month was rediculious and when the May payment was taken out of my checking account, promptly went in and cancelled the membership. The gal at the desk told me they couldnt refund the may payment because of the 30 day cancel policy. Which is a scam since they are a business that is selling the use of equiptment and it shouldnt need 30 days to cancel your membership! just cancel it and delete my member number from the computer!!! well, I left and resigned the fact that I wasnt getting my 75 bucks back. When june came around, I was astonished to see another payment taken out! I called the corp office and was informed since I cancelled on May 3rd, (the first business day of May) and June 1st was not 30 days, I had to pay another month! I would tell anyone to stay away from this cold hearted in it for the money only company! They will never get me back as a member!
Max2011 May 27, 2011
Hot Tub Rash
I got Pseudomonas Folliculitis...also known as Hot Tub Rash from the hot tub at this club. It is a nasty pimply and irritating rash all over my back, chest, abdomen, arms and thighs. This is a serious staph infection. Management seems unconcerned and not willing to take any responsibility. Beware of hot tubs. They are disgusting bacteria germ infested places...esp the ones in Parker at Lifetime.
Jade Poisson April 1, 2011
Badly Run Club
I can't believe I'm even giving this club 1 star. It deserves NONE. I am a previous employee of Lifetime Fitness who recently quit after 2 years of working there. Although I was not in a manager position at the club (I was a lifeguard), I got to observe all of the horrible things going on firsthand at there. When I first started working there, I thought it was great that I got a free membership along with working at the club. My whole family had been members there since it opened in our town.

One of the very FIRST thing I noticed was the bad morality and ethics of the club. The sales guys will walk around with families giving them a tour and give them totally wrong information. They say the pool is open 24/7 to kids and adults, which is not true. Then members come and take it out on the lifeguards for enforcing rules. Our pool was always FILTHY i will admit that. Unfortunatley our manager (I had 4 while working there for 2 yrs) is a Member Activites girl who has no idea how to run a pool. She frequently brings her daughter into work, can you get any more unprofessional?

We don't have a permanent maintenence guy so our stuff (whether its in aquatics or not) rarely gets fixed. Instead we have to share him with a club that is a 30-45 min car ride away!

The lifeguards who I worked with were horrible. They thought they could just sit on their butt and do nothing. Many times they would come in hungover. On a few occasions some even came in drunk or high! And my boss was rarely there for her scheduled shift so there was nothing I could do.

I would try to call the General Manager of the club down a few times (because members were complaining) and it would take him sometimes more than 30 min to get down to the pool! By that time the members were on there way to cancel their membership!

Also, and this was a big one. It was widely known that certain employees and Dept. Heads of the club were sleeping around! And these people had families! People would just tell me that was the "real world". I am APPALLED!

Frequent times cleaning out the spas I would find USED condoms! Things I would find in there would make me nautious. As a lifeguard, I can understand cleaning the pool, but we were made to scrub toilets, fold towels, and cater to the member's every need. This would be fine, except it was NOT in my job description when I got hired. I brought this up to my boss, and she said that if I felt that way I could just quit, because she had so many other lifeguards to hire! She threatened me, regardless I did not quit because I needed the job. I was also paid $8/hour starting off and was told I would get a raise in April (I was hired in July). No raise EVER happened after working there for 2 yrs.

Many lifeguards would call in "sick" and not show up for their shift. They would not get punished by our boss at all! And in turn, we would have one less lifeguard for the day, which would make it extrememly hard to keep the members safe (in the summer there would be up to 100+ people JUST in the pool) and the pool deck clean. I have been left outside (in 115 degree heat) for almost 2 hrs. We are supposed to be out there for 1 hr max in the summer.

About my 4 different managers. The first one was fired because she was stealing money from the club. The second one walked around the pool deck and flirted with members while his PREGNANT girlfriend sat on a chair and tanned. Our 3rd boss was another members activity girl who would make us do ridiculous chores if all of OUR cleaning was done. (like go upstairs and clean the workout equipment etc) There is a whole department for cleaning at Lifetime Fitness (called Operations) this is THEIR job, not the lifeguards!

Also, many of the club's sales guys and dept heads are clueless about the pool hours and rules. The front desk would tell members that the pool was open till 8 pm, when it really closed at sunset. Members would come with their kids and be FURIOUS.

I don't blame ANYONE for canceling their membership to this club. It is run by BAD people who only care about money. They could care less about members. I encourage anyone who is reading this to go right now and cancel your membership. Don't give Lifetime Fitness your money, because they clearly do NOT deserve it. This place is filthy and disgusting.
UpsetNVocal March 24, 2011
I contracted a bacterial infection called Hot Tub Folliculitis
I went into their hot tub. My first hot tub visit in 20 years. Shortly thereafter I started itching. I thought I had an allergic reaction to something so I tried treating as if it were an allergy. Finally after a rash appeared and became painful I went to the Doctor and he immediately identified it as Hot Tub Folliculitis. Which according to the CDC is from poorly kept hot tubs. When I got anyone to respond to my attempts to warn them so others would not get infected from the tub --- -their answer was we check the hot tub every 2 hours. I was in the pool area for 3 and not a single employee took a water sample. I spoke to an employee and he seemed shocked that they said it is checked every 2 hours. Impossible for me to contract it if it is checked that frequently. So, to me, if they are dishonest about that - --- what else are they dishonest about keeping up with.

For two weeks my calls and emails went without response. Then the legal department gets involved and of coarse complete denial.

Where is the "I am so sorry this has happened"----"Where is the Customer Service Skills". One lady I left three messages for when she called I told her that the person I FINALLY spoke to yesterday said she already spoke to me. I confronted her and said are you claiming we have spoke ---- she said "I thought we did". I laughed and said there is no way. What happened was I left you three messages and the last one stating how rude it is for you to not call me.

I can be itching for a MONTH, Horrible horrible itching and be left with scars. What did I get. the pleasure of getting more and more pissed off from being ignored.

BEWARE of cleanliness. Protect yourself --- do not count on them keeping up with any health standard.
Lifetime Fitness=Poor Customer Service March 4, 2011
Membership Services
This is a complaint on behalf of myself, but mostly my mom. I am visiting her for the weekend and she had the idea that we could go work out at the local lifetime fitness club, a club she has been a member of for over five years. Upon entering, I had to fill out some paper work and show my license, which was understandable. After this we were told to wait for a guest services representative. After several minutes, another group of members that had guests got to walk in and use the facilities after filling out the paper work. When we asked why, the woman at the front desk told us it was because they were from out of town.

Apparently, since I still have a Minnesota driver's license, it is company policy to try and sell me a membership, even though I only want to use a treadmill for an hour while my mom does yoga. She has run into similar problems when she has brought guests and she had had enough. So she asked to cancel her membership. The membership services representative who was supposed to meet us "right away" came to disparage her to no avail. Finally, while trying to cancel her membership on his computer and telling her she was "wrong" and that I might be interested in a student membership, "Philip" told her that his computer had frozen and he could not cancel the membership.

For being a membership services representative, 'Philip' was able to provide absolutely NO services. But this is only part of the problem. Customers should be treated with respect and graciousness at all times...members should be treated that way ten-fold. My mom has been a member of lifetime fitness for the better part of the decade. This means that she has made a commitment to this company and it is guaranteed payment once a month. Yet she gets treated like dirt when she tries to bring a guest every once and awhile, and when she goes to the salon, the staff constantly up-sells her, often without her knowledge. I understand the company need to try to generate more business, but in doing so they lost a once faithful member, one who will tell every friend and family-member that there are better health clubs out there and a "membership" at life time means little to nothing else then being preyed upon every time you walk through the door.
Chandran Palanisamy December 30, 2010
Free pass fraud...
Lifetime Fitness is an upscale ripoff in many ways. First they try to suck you in with all kinds of promotions. But once you are in, it would take a lot of effort to get out...that is if you miss the cutoff date by a month, you will be billed for another month.
In my case, I was offered a free month pass for a guest and my guest used it 3 times. Obviously, free is not synonymous with Lifetime and they wanted her to sign a waiver every time she visit -just to harass her. After she jumped this hoop during her 3 visits, they introduced another hoop -are you a resident of this city? Actually the city they are in are just 6miles by 6miles and a lot of members are outsiders to begin with. There you go, she wasn't and they told us that she can't use this monthly free pass anymore -though she has about 20days left.
However, they would still have the sign "Monthly free membership" just to cheat. In fact, none of these rules were informed to us or was in the fine print.

BEWARE OF ALL THEIR FREE PRODUCTS AND FINE PRINTS, that changes frequently and at whim.
Zorro2k December 13, 2010
Money scam
I joined Lifetime Fitness is Dublin, Ohio after my gym (Sawmill Athletic Club) closed for over a year for renovations. Lifetime seems to be a comprehensive gym that offers cardio, weight training machines and free weights, personal training, group classes, 2 pools, sauna, showers, a spa, a decent cafe, and various other features.

I'd been a member here for 3 years. The facility is very nice and large, but after a while I realized that no updates ever take place. They have the same hodgepodge of equipment that they've had since they opened. There is plenty of quality cardio equipment but the weight training machines are breaking down and there aren't enough of them. The free weights areas are way too small and crowded, and are frequently filled with personal trainers.

Immediately upon joining you are given a free "fitness evaluation" which amounts to a high pressure sales tactic to try to enlist you in personal training. This is an area where they make more money, so it's a priority to them to have as many trainers and clients being actively trained as they can. The trainers, of which they are way too many hanging around, are unfriendly, unhelpful, surly, and generally unprofessional. They engage their clients in programs that are "trendy" rather than beneficial, and appear to be too difficult for their clients to keep up with. The clients usually look pretty silly and frustrated trying to do the "latest and greatest" exercises. They also will cordon off an area to work with their clients, and hog 2-3 machines at a time. Some nights it takes 2-3 times as long as it should just waiting on and avoiding the trainers. I do not understand their unfriendly and unhelpful demeanors. If they're trying to enlist clients, shouldn't they try to be approachable? In particular, a tall skinny older trainer there named "John" will definitely give you an annoyed attitude if you interrupt one of his conversations or web surfing when he isn't working with a client. You can't expect help from them at all unless you're paying them.

Overall the place, from reception right on up to general manager, has become rather cocky, as if they feel as if you should be honored to be present in their club. A quality service organization should always make you feel as if THEY are honored to serve you, not the other way around.

My kids really enjoyed the outdoor pool at first, but it's nearly impossible to find a place to sit on the weekends during the summer. They need to double or even triple the patio space around the pool. They have the room, it's just concrete, right?

Although fairly new, the club is not really adequately cleaned. The steam room is pretty revolting, as are the showers, especially on the weekends. The cleaning seems to be mostly concerned with cosmetics, rather than thoroughness.

The overall impression that I have is that they will do anything to sign up new members, no matter how crowded the place is already, but do just enough to keep them. That seems naive and short-sighted to me, as any quality organization will tell you that it's more expensive to attract new clients than to retain existing ones. The gym is too crowded, which is causing dedicated members to leave and be replaced by those who only seek nominal participation in a fitness club. Eventually the casual members leave too because they aren't using it enough, which will lead to membership churn and more overcrowding as the sales team tries furiously to replace those that leave.

I have canceled my membership, as have many of my acquaintances there recently. Many of the members that I speak to there are becoming fed up with many of the things I list here, but mainly the overcrowding, lack of updates to the facility, and the overall churlish and apathetic attitudes of most of their staff.

I may rejoin some day after they have fired their GM and get their trainers out of the way.
Anne1 December 1, 2010
Unauthorized Membership Charges
A membership was opened last summer for my nanny to enable her to bring my daughters to the pool at Lifetime Fitness. Upon opening the membership for her, the salesman at Lifetime agreed to set up a two-month membership for her that would end prior to her leaving to go back to school. Lifetime continued to charge their student "flex rate" to my credit card each month, and it wasn't until I cancelled my own membership that I realized they were still charging me a monthly fee for my nanny. I notified Lifetime immediately, but the salesperson ignored my emails and the customer service rep would not credit my account. The customer service rep will only cancel my account with a hard copy signature delivered to their center, despite multiple emails indicating that continuation of the membership past July was never authorized by me and despite repeated requests to immediately cancel the account and refund previous charges. The salesperson was willing to promise anything in order to obtain the original membership agreement, and has shown that they will use dishonest techniques to establish accounts but will not even follow through to resolve issues and attempt to deal with dissatisfied customers. I do NOT recommend Lifetime Fitness and caution any consumers to be wary of promises made by "schmoozy" sales reps, read the fine print and watch your credit card statements carefully to validate that you are only being charged what you agreed to.
jamesg109 September 12, 2010
Gay Activity in Locker Not Being Dealt With
Lifetime Fitness appears to be the place where gay men congregate late at night due to the 24-hour schedule.

If you have noticed little slits cut in the shower curtains, this is happening at LTF clubs all over the U.S. from what I have heard. Apparently they are using these as "peep holes" so they can make eye contact with each other so they can then go do their thing in the steam rooms late at night. Frankly, this is absolutely disgusting behavior and apparently Lifetime Fitness is aware of this but doing nothing about it. Basically, they have become a "gay friendly" club, when they should be stopping this activity in a club that is supposed to be "family friendly". It doesn't matter if they are doing this mostly in the evenings, I and many other members are sick and tired of seeing this holes in the shower curtains EVERY DAMN WEEK. Some members who are pissed about this just shred the curtain so they have to put in a new one and this stupid process gets repeated week after week after week. Why don't these buffoons at Lifetime just put up those curtains that have a clear upper half. Then there would be none of this sneaky, stealth homo peak-a-boo going on in their clubs. If one of these queers gets caught staring at the wrong guy who cares if he takes a fist to the nose?
Swimgirl92 September 4, 2010
Badly run club
You were reading a complaint about LifeTime Fitness.

Filing a new complaint about
I can't believe I'm even giving this club 1 star. It deserves NONE. I am a previous employee of Lifetime Fitness who recently quit after 2 years of working there. Although I was not in a manager position at the club (I was a lifeguard), I got to observe all of the horrible things going on firsthand at there. When I first started working there, I thought it was great that I got a free membership along with working at the club. My whole family had been members there since it opened in our town.

One of the very FIRST thing I noticed was the bad morality and ethics of the club. The sales guys will walk around with families giving them a tour and give them totally wrong information. They say the pool is open 24/7 to kids and adults, which is not true. Then members come and take it out on the lifeguards for enforcing rules. Our pool was always FILTHY i will admit that. Unfortunatley our manager (I had 4 while working there for 2 yrs) is a Member Activites girl who has no idea how to run apool. She frequently brings her daughter into work, can you get any more unprofessional?

We don't have a permanent maintenence guy so our stuff (whether its in aquatics or not) rarely gets fixed. Instead we have to share him with a club that is a 30-45 min car ride away!

The lifeguards who I worked with were horrible. They thought they could just sit on their butt and do nothing. Many times they would come in hungover. On a few occasions some even came in drunk or high! And my boss was rarely there for her scheduled shift so there was nothing I could do.

I would try to call the General Manager of the club down a few times (because members were complaining) and it would take him sometimes more than 30 min to get down to the pool! By that time the members were on there way to cancel their membership!

Also, and this was a big one. It was widely known that certain employees and Dept. Heads of the club were sleeping around! And these people had families! People would just tell me that was the "real world". I am APPALLED!

Frequent times cleaning out the spas I would find USED condoms! Things I would find in there would make me nautious. As a lifeguard, I can understand cleaning the pool, but we were made to scrub toilets, fold towels, and cater to the member's every need. This would be fine, except it was NOT in my job description when I got hired. I brought this up to myboss, and she said that if I felt that way I could just quit, because she had so many other lifeguards to hire! She threatened me, regardless I did not quit because I needed the job. I was also paid $8/hour starting off and was told I would get a raise in April (I was hired in July). No raise EVER happened after working there for 2 yrs.

Many lifeguards would call in "sick" and not show up for their shift. They would not get punished by our boss at all! And in turn, we would have one less lifeguard for the day, which would make it extrememly hard to keep the members safe (in the summer there would be up to 100+ people JUST in thepool) and the pool deck clean. I have been left outside (in 115 degree heat) for almost 2 hrs. We are supposed to be out there for 1 hr max in the summer.

About my 4 different managers. The first one was fired because she was stealing money from the club. The second one walked around the pool deck and flirted with members while his PREGNANT girlfriend sat on a chair and tanned. Our 3rd boss was another members activity girl who would make us do ridiculous chores if all of OUR cleaning was done. (like go upstairs and clean the workout equipment etc) There is a whole department for cleaning atLifetime Fitness (called Operations) this is THEIR job, not the lifeguards!

Also, many of the club's sales guys and dept heads are clueless about the pool hours and rules. The front desk would tell members that the pool was open till 8 pm, when it really closed at sunset. Members would come with their kids and be FURIOUS.

I don't blame ANYONE for canceling their membership to this club. It is run by BAD people who only care about money. They could care less about members. I encourage anyone who is reading this to go right now and cancel your membership. Don't giveLifetime Fitness your money, because they clearly do NOT deserve it. This place is filthy and disgusting.

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