LifeTime Fitness

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LifeTime Fitness Reviews

Doug Miller July 14, 2009
Ripoff on their Cancelation policy
Once you are a member of Lifetime Fitness, they make it almost impossible for their customers to leave. They intentionally make it difficult to cancel to the point of absurdity. They incorporate trickery and unfair methods to confuse and guilt their customers and try to squeeze every last dollar out of them. They need to be stopped.

Attempt 1 to Cancel: I made the mistake of thinking I could call and cancel. The membership specialist told me that he could not accept my cancelation over the phone even though he had my membership pulled up on his computer. He gave me his fax number and told be to fax the request and he would take care of it.

Attempt 2. I wrote a letter and faxed the request to him as he requested. The transmission report showed they received it. I specifically asked for a confirmation that they received my fax - I received no such confirmation.

Attempt 3. Went to their website thinking I could get another fax number for their corporate office, but no such luck. They have an e-mail for customer service but specifically state that you can't cancel using e-mail. I used their form to try and cancel by e-mail anyhow.

Attempt 4. I called the corporate office and spoke to someone who told me the only way to cancel my membership was to walk into their office and sign a cancellation agreement or to send them a certified letter. She also advised me of the 30 cancellation policy... and that I will still be responsible for an additional month...

Ok, I think this company needs to get sued. The 30 day penalty provision is nothing but an unearned fee. They are not inconvenienced in any way for which they need to bill for another 30 days and penalty provisions are often illegal. We need to band together and play them at their own game and sue them as a class for every single extra fee they stole from consumers.

These guys are crooks and they know it.

doug from Minnesota
Nancy June 29, 2009
LifeTime Fitness showed me their wonderful child care facility, and I thought that my child will be having wonderful time while I am working out. The first time we came with my 5year-old after signing the contract, I left her in the child care room. after the class I picked her up but she had tears in her eyes. I discovered that the climber and the computer room was closed, and she wanted to use those. Next day - same situation. Now, she refuses to go with me to the fitness center, because they limit what she can do.

I went to speak with the manager, and she told me that they keep the facilities closed when the number of children is less than 25. No one told me about this when we signed the contract.

I canceled my membership shortly, and don't advice any one to join this fitness.
Evan June 29, 2009
Awful company
This 30 day policy is a complete fraud! God forbid something should happen in your life that you need to open up some free cash and cancel a luxury such as a fitness center, Life Time does not care AT ALL!! I am currently going through the ridiculous procedures required to cancel a gym membership at Lifetime fitness. In today’s day and age with gas prices on the rise and people running into unexpected financial situations month to month, Lifetime Fitness shows no remorse or understanding to its customers and members.

It is currently June 13th 2008, and they have just openly admitted on the phone at their executive offices that it does not take 30 days to cancel a membership only that they use it as a way to charge you for and extra month fees! So regardless of my wishes to stop using their product they are going to take my money anyway. I will be calling my Credit Card Company and possibly cancelling my credit card or not allowing them to charge it.

When I signed up for Lifetime 8 years ago, they stood on a policy that they would not be another Ballys Fitness who locks you into contracts and makes you pay extra money after your wishes to cancel your membership...but it appears that they have in fact BECOME Ballys part 2 in the Chicago land area.

This is how Lifetime treats members who signed up and paid them before they put up the first brick for the building, they are UN sympathetic to their member’s life situations and all they care about is YOUR MONEY!

sanchrsam April 1, 2009
Failure to refund money in timely manner
After joining Lifetime, I was offered a free training session with a Personal Trainer. After completion of this session, I decided to undergo their CardioPoint Test which costs over $300.00 to include the Polar watch. At the encouragement of LifeTime I consulted my physician prior to undergoing this test. My Doctor did not want me to undergo the testing due to medical problems I was having.

I immediately notified Lifetime, only to be told they had a "no refund" policy on Personal where is this in written nor was I ever told this. I then was told to talk to the person in charge, he guaranteed me a refund in 3 weeks. 3 weeks passed and I again went in and complained. Only to be told that they wanted a Dr note, which I had with me 3 weeks prior. Then I was told it would be another 3 weeks, after threatening to cancel my membership I was told it would be 7 days.

7 days have now passed and now I am being told the paperwork was "just submitted" to Corporate so it would be 5 more days...I now have been told that if I cancel my membership that even though it is the 1st of the month, they will not refund this month's dues which were just taken from my acount to the sum of $230.00 more dollars.

I have belonged to several fitness centers in the past, though Lifetime looks nice from the outside. Once you join they do not hold up to what they promise, from use of the facilities to their constant failure to follow through on their promises. They have alot of hidden rules they do not tell you about (hours for the use of the pools for families, day care hours, refund rules) and the list goes on.
seslitts February 18, 2009
Lifetime keft charging me after my account expired, and they charged my mom's bank account without authorization!
My mom got a rude awakening when she balanced he check book the other day. She discovered a few months worth of charges from Lifetime Fitness. I hadn't been there in about a year. She had used a check to prepay a few months as a gift to me. I got a call when it expired. They asked me to renew my membership and provide them with a valid credit card. I told them no thanks, and please delete my mother's financial information from your system. The guy on the hone said no problem and was very nice about it all. I am shocked that this happened. I don't understand how they could be so slimy as to take my mom's account number off her check and continue charging it after I canceled service!
jwebuer January 22, 2009
Lifetime Fitness Money Back Guarantee is a Fault
I was offered a money back guarantee trial membership. I tried a couple of times, with no swimming pool and the commute, that really bothers me. So I wanted to cancel it. I called the agent up and she said she would fax me the cancellation form. I called almost everyday, she kept telling me that something wrong with the fax machine. I gave her my email. It's been 2 weeks, no fax and no email. All the sudden she is not answering phone calls. So I called her supervisor to complain, he is more worse, he told me to come in to get the form, just making it more difficult.

So, I don't think I'm going to get my money back. So stay away from the money back guarantee thing. It's not going to happen.
J W L January 5, 2009
Trail Membership
My wife went into the Lifetime Fitness in Houston to inquire about club dues.

She stated that she did not want to join because we were a member of another club and just wanted rates. The salesman showed her the club and got her all fired up about joining and my wife was becoming convinced.

My wife told the salesman that she wanted to join but would wait until she had canceled her membership with the other club. The salesman then LIED to my wife and told her that if she signed up that day, she would not be charged anything for one month (the amount of notice we needed to give the other health club) and she would be given access to the club immediately.

She was ensured that nothing was going to be charged to her account until after the 30 day trial membership. Too good to be true... absolutely.

They had charged her credit card immediately. When we discovered this we very upset because the salesman misled my wife.

We went back the next day and canceled our membership and demanded a refund. The manager assured us that their salespeople do not purposely mislead people and that the refund would be posted to her account in a handful (which traditionally represents a small amount) of days.

Well, it has been over a month and we called the corporate office. They have a record of our cancellation but know nothing of our refund. We called and left a message at our local Lifetime Fitness but can't get a hold of anyone who can grant us a refund.

DO NOT JOIN THIS CLUB before finding out everything you can about the conditions of membership. And expect the cancellation process, whenever that may be, to be lengthy and costly.
James Limborg January 3, 2009
Love working there, but upset too
I've been working at Lifetime Fitness - Moore Lake in Fridley, Minnesota for 2 years now. I love working there but I have a couple complaints I'll share with you. About a year ago I contacted the Minnesota State Attorney, District Attorney, Meshbesher & Spence attorney, Minnesota Department of Health, Hennepin County,, Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, Anoka County, and the City of Fridley because all 3 of my managers were consistantly keeping the womans and mens hot tub water temperature above 105 degrees... usually mid 105's it would be. They had sheets in their pump room stating the law says no higher than 104 degrees for whirlpool hot tub temperature. The managers each gave me many reasons why it was 'ok' for the water temp. to be over 104 degrees. We had 1 old man fall and hit his head after getting out of the hottub on my shift and while the ambulance was there with him... I tested the water... and it was 105.7 degrees fahrenheit. A few months later an older woman fell after getting out of the womans hottub and felt dizzy and layed on our couch downstairs by the tv area that use to be there. I told my 3 managers many times to fix the water temp. and none of them felt it was a big deal. I felt forced to contact authorities to stand up and protect our members since my managers wouldn't... so I spent a weeks time contacting the companies above and finally the City of Fridley went out twice but was not much help either. Turns out it's the same inspector from the city of Fridley that inspects their pools when the club opens the outdoor pools. It appears that the hottub water is usually between 104-105 these days... but the law clearly states that the water temp. must never go 'over' 104 degrees.

My 2nd complaint is that even though I've worked way above and beyond the call of duty for my job position... I was not given a fair raise. Our department is Facility Operations, Maintenance and we are in charge of cleaning the health club and locker rooms maily. Here is a list of things I did to the Lifetime Fitness - Moore Lake club in Fridley, Minnesota:
1. Cut almost all their trees. Their trees were touching the ground around the pond... could barely see the pond... all 90% of their trees were in need of trimming. It took me 5 months of running around inside cleaning, taking care of mens locker room... then running outside cutting tree branches with 'not' a chain-saw... but a loop-saw... manually cutting each tree branch. I cut at least 100 trees and over a thousand branches I am sure. This is a huge club and property! I cut trees in the parking lot, around their pond,
along the north side of their building, back of the building, south sides, along the service road and main road areas. Many members said it now looks like a country club here.
2. Painted all their exterior doors which were faded and had red berries splattered on them. And I bought some of the paint with my own money.
3. I'm really good with computer website and graphic design... so I spent many hours at home making things for the club FOR FREE on my time. This club has a sprinkler system... I read the sprinkler manual... and would turn ON a sprinkler station... run outside and try to find it... and then write down the location on a topical google earth map I printed out. This took at least 3 days to find all the sprinkler heads and write down their locations. I then made a professional computer graphics printout showing where their sprinkler heads and locations are all color coded nice. I then went to OfficeMax and bought a clear sheet holder to protect the printout and screwed it to the sprinkler machine nice.
4. Did LOTS and LOTS of painting. Painted their front entrance... which has been remodeled since. Painted their elevator room floor, back area floor, water softener tanks, walls in our back area, door way entrances inside the building... making this old building look nicer to the members. To do this I had to work extra fast in the club so I could quick come paint. I went through 4 uniforms getting paint on them... I couldn't take them off because I had to run and work.
5. With a 4" wide vacume end I vacumed their whole swimming pool/whirlpool pump room area... a huge project... This room has long tunnels that go around their aerobic and lap pool and act as a ventalation system. All the floors I vacumed around their black round filters and pumps, I vacumed up on the ledge around the sides and back of the swimming pools and there were piles of sand in some areas. Imagine vacuming 1500sq with a 4" wide vacume end. I got inbetween all their pvc gray swimming pool water pipes as well. This room was in much need of cleaning... lots of sand and debres from repairs to the swimming pools.
6. The first week I worked at Lifetime I noticed that when they setup the badmitten nets... they were tying 6 knots (2 knots for each of the 3 nets) and when taking 'down' badmitten... slowing trying to untie the 6 knots. Well... I realized this was a problem immediately... and ended up tying the string around 'S' hooks... so now all the employees have to do is hook the 6 'S' hooks quickly on the badmitten posts. This saves lots of time.
7. I also noticed when they were setting up badmitten... that when raising/lowering the basketball hoops... they were holding 2 light switches for 2 basketball hoops at a time to make them go UP when setting up badmitten/DOWN when taking down badmitten. There are 6 basketball hoops that need to be raised/lowered... and they would hold 2 light switches at a time waiting 2 minutes for the hoops to raise/lower completely before raising the next 2 hoops. This was very time consuming... so I invented something that allowed all 6 basketball hoops to go up at the 'same time' WITHOUT holding the light switches... which allows a person to setup badmitten WHILE the basketball hoops are going up/vise-versa. I basically bent an 'S' hook in such a way that one side loops around the light switch... and the other side latches on the top/bottom of the light switch box holding the light switch in an UP/DOWN position. EVERY TIME badmitten is setup/taken down... I saved this club time and money from my ideas.
8. I've spent time at home helping my manager re-design our worksheets, pool sheets. I've made custom labels that show product images that I put on our shelves in our supply room so we are more organized when stacking our shelves. I've printed signs we put on the wall above supplies using ink from my computer... full page signs with big letters.
9. I bought spray paint and painted all their 5 exterior cement garbage cans that had a brown metal turn lid. They are gone now since the remodel... but I made them look new from their faded condition. Members appreciated it... as did my manager said great job they look nice.
10. On the North-East corner of the building... They have 4 heavy cement bollards that form a square around the water shut offs for the building. One of the cement bollards was laying in the grass (a man from the building next door said it's been laying there for 5+ years). I ran up and bought anchors for cement, a big masonary bit for a drill... and drilled 4 big holes in the cement and re-attached the very heavy bollard. Then I bought paint and painted them yellow, spray painted the water shut offs red, and other water pipes gold. Keeping them their original color but painting them so they look new. I also cut and installed 'new' chain going from bollard to bollard enclosing the water shut offs. Looks really nice now.
11. And regarding all the ‘men’ in our department… Only the men have been shoveling show, lifting heavy chlorine buckets and washing machine detergent, moving/lifting heavy posts when setting up badmitten/volleyball. The ‘men’ in our dept. should be paid a little bit more than the women for this extra work. But that’s not so at this club. I don’t mind doing the extra work… but pay me a little more than the people who don’t do it.

After all my hard work above… a month ago my pay went back down to almost where it was when I started 2 years ago as a new Lifetime employee! I did get a $0.24 cent raise about a year ago... hardly a raise for all the hard work I've done for this club and it's members. I asked the General Manger for a raise a week ago, and he said no. The general manager is nice... but I don't agree that I don't deserve more money per hour than a new employee. Not to mention I've learned a lot working at the club for 2 years. I also have hurt feelings some because I don't feel much appreciated there after all I've done.

A. I should also mention that they recently made one of the slowest workers in my department a 'manager' and are paying him much more money than me. I feel like I'm taking 'crazy pills'... that makes no sense. This guy they made manager digs through the trash and dumpster outside looking for plastic to recycle... That is a big waste of the companies time and money. The club has 2 trash cans for people... 1 for trash and 1 for plastic. He'll dig through the trash for plastic... and literally will go through the garbage in the outside dumpster for cans and plastic. The new assistant manager is upset because this worker is slow... as am I… It’s because he’s busy finding plastic. When I brand new working at this club… this employee took advantage of me… My job was what they call a ‘roamer’… meaning roaming the club cleaning. This employee was assigned ‘mens locker room’ and responsible for cleaning it. Well… one day he asked me if I saw the mens locker room… I’m thinking to myself… Why? I’m roamer. I said No… but went to look… and it was a complete mess. He expected ‘me’ to clean it… which I did… and while ‘I’ was cleaning it he went out and sat and watched tv. He did this with another ‘new’ employee as well. I also had an African American boy come up to me and tell me that this employee told him, “Why don’t you go back to your own country.” This employee also swore out loud regarding members making a mess, make a terrible comment as to what he’d want to do to the person who broke into the mens lockers… they caught a person who was breaking into lockers. And I will add that this person got mad at me one day because I through out an empty McDonalds cup that was sitting on the lunch room table that I am suppose to keep clean… so one day he takes my big coffee thermos and shirt and throws them in the garbage can sitting next to the table they were on. Anyways… not the best employee… and he’s getting paid more than me. Lifetime rewards this man by making him manager and paying him more than me.
B. One day I was MOD (manager on duty) and was verbally threatened by a new employee. The assistant manager witnessed the threats, an incident report was made with the club, and with the police. This person is now managing in the club as well. I emailed the head office asking if they do criminal background checks… I got no response.

Because the company does not have enough employees working in the operations department I am consistantly getting harrassed by fellow employees and managers. I love the long list of things Lifetime Fitness wants our department to keep clean/do... it's great. But the problem is we don't have enough employees to get the work done 'consistantly'. I am a very fast and efficient worker... and no matter how fast I run and clean... I can't keep up. None of us can. We all work hard. And what ends up happening is... the night crew will complain that the day crew isn't working hard... and the day crew will complain about the night crew. Many times I've had employees and managers get mad at me for not doing SOMETHING ELSE! I have tried to explain to everyone that when you don't have enough employees to do everything nice... that means that SOMETHING is always going to sacrifice. The reason this turns INTO a complaint is because I work very hard to TRY and keep my managers happy... in hopes to someday get paid more... and after a hard days work... the managers will sometimes come to me and be mad and ask me why I didn't do something ELSE better. They have no idea how hard I worked doing what I DID do. So this is starting to wear on me... and it's feeling like harrassment as well. If I work hard constantly... I should not be yelled at about something I did NOT do. Even the managers feel the stress of the situation of not being able to get things the way the club says they want.

I will say again... I love working at the club... great people... fun working environment it can be... but I am very unhappy with some of the things I see going on at this club. I want ‘this’ Lifetime club to make sense… I like things in general to make sense. It makes sense to pay people who work very hard better than people who don’t work quite as hard/efficient. I risked my job for the safety of the Lifetime Fitness members when I reported the club for keeping the whirlpool/hot-tub water temperature over 105 degrees consistently. I’d think Lifetime would want to keep good employees like me around… putting my paycheck back to start pay after being with the company 2 years isn’t very nice of the company. There’s nothing I can do about it… except voice my words about this… That is why I typed this.

James Limborg
[email protected]
October 7, 2008
Reneging on invitation received in mail
Approximately two months have passed since I received an invitation in the mail from the corporate office of Life Time Fitness, inviting me to rejoin their Garland, Texas facility. It was headlined, "Rejoin Life Time now for just a $25 (processing fee). I had quit this facility many months previous to that time, chiefly for the reason that I was unable to gain a sensible answer from a representative of the Garland, Texas operation. I was totally concerned as to why that a member could reserve a racquetball court each day (during primetime) for the sole purpose of banging tennis balls (with a tennis racket). The main "sticker" of this entire scenario is the very fact that any employee (regardless of ranking) has total access to all members' files, including complaints made to the front desk, management, the corporate office, etc. In essence, anybody who folds towels at these facilities, has total access to your address, telephone #, health information, etc. Management officials at Life Time are very religious when it comes to maintaining an accurate account of complaints that you make to front desk personnel, management, corporate office personnel, etc. In essence, if you approach the front desk representative and let her know that this is the second time in which toilet paper was missing from the restroom, it's highly likely that the complaint will be logged onto your personal computerized file before the sun goes down!! The situation that "struck a raw nerve" with this former member was the day in which an employee (who once folded towels for a paycheck at this facility) approached me in the middle of the hallway and proceeded to outright inform me that she was aware of a medical condition that I had reported (in confidentiality) to the manager at the time of my enrollment. Aside from the fact that this young Life Time representative mentioned that she was aware of my medical condition, she later informed me (after my resignation from the club) that entries into my computerized record, indicated that I would never be allowed as a member of any Life Time facility. I never gave that situation another thought until the date in which I received the letter of invitation to return as a member. I thought to myself, "either this young lady doesn't know what she's reading on my personal file or that business has fallen off to such a degree that they're willing to take me back". That's when I decided to visit the Garland location, presenting the letter of invitation to the manager (Ken) of the club. He immediately informed me that a mistake had been made at the corporate level, adding that, "you shouldn't have received this invitation in the first place". When I inquired if he was informing me that I was no longer welcome at his Garland location (and that the letter of invitation from the corporate office was meaningless), he stated (in so many words) that he would rather not see me back there as a paying member. That's when I took it upon myself to inform this managerial representative that I'm totally aware of the fact that "gripe files" are maintained on all members who pass through his doors each day and added that several of his former employees (and myself) would sit in an office during many nights, viewing members' files. He seemed rather startled to hear that bit of information; however, I sensed that the man was attempting to downplay the situation as best he could. However, he did add that none of those individuals ever had access to credit card numbers, banking account numbers, etc. I informed this gentleman that it very well might be the case; however, I further informed him that laws exist which prevents any type of personal medical information from being made readily accessible to just anybody who happens to wear the Lifetime Fitness uniform. If you're a member of Lifetime and it's your desire to keep your personal medical history private, I would strongly suggest that you not inform any representative of your club. Needless to say, it will be in bold print for every employee (and some members) to view for themselves!!
July 23, 2008
Lack of concern for safety
This health facility takes very little initiative, especially where it concerns the safety and welfare of unsupervised youngsters whose parents are working out upstairs, performing other exercises, etc. It was several months ago when I took it upon myself to inform the Head Sales Represenative at the Garland, Texas location that 3-4 youngsters were inside one of the racquetball courts, "flailing racquetball rackets (and racquetballs) in every which direction. It was rather obvious that they weren't old enough to even be inside one of those courts, much less the fact that none of them knew the rules of the game. That's when I felt it was necessary to bring this issue to the immediate attention of the Head of Sales at the facility. I felt for certain that the old boy would follow through with thanking me for bringing this to his attention, and take immediate action to make certain that nobody's eyesight was lost in there or that one of them didn't obtain a severe gash in his forehead, concussion, etc. That wasn't the case with this manager, in that he proceeded to remind me, "that's why everybody who joins this club signs a waiver", (thus relinquishing Lifetime Fitness) from any legal responsibilities in cases such as this. While reminding me that I had signed one of them when I joined the facility, he was proceeding through with the process of opening up his desk drawer and showing me a copy of those releases. The conversation in which I had with this managerial representative, set me to seriously considering the fact that they don't give a damn about the safety and welfare of their members. It's another prime example of how that this particular chain of fitness centers tend to operate, especially where it relates to the lack of concern for the safety and welfare of their paying members!!

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