What a waster of time, energy, and especially money. I kissed a couple thousand dollars goodbye within 6 months. Keep in mind that I was so bad off financially, that I could not spare the money so I had to borrow it so that I could make a living (or so they tell you). They make it sound so easy. HAH!
I almost worked myself into an early grave doing everything they told me to do. I have never been so stressed in my life. When my health could take it no more, I ceased my business.
Oh, but wait, it gets better. Not only did I lose more than $2000, but it took them four months to close my cell phone account with numerous calls and emails, some going to upper management. Then when I finally got it cancelled, they charged me $175 to get out of the contract. I knew that going into this venture, but the four months it took to close my account would have sufficiently covered the $175.00.
I sent them in writing that I wanted to cancel the wireless business in Sept and it took a couple of months for that to take affect and they continued to drain me financially.
I never made a penny and don't give me 'you should have worked harder or you should have done it this way or that' because that just isn't so. This was my HOPE! This was my DREAM! But it turned out to be a nightmare!
I could not even sell a cell phone. They had a BIG selection (ALL OF 4 PHONES) and not a one of my potential customers liked any of the phones they offered and they went elsewhere. I couldn't even find a phone I liked to help advertise my business.
This company is just a hands OUT company. They take, take, take and I refuse to give, give, give anymore.