To whom it may concern:
I would like to know why is it that when you do a cash advance which if you will notice will have a higher interest rate attached to it, that when you make a substancial payment that you can not have it pay towards that amount of your choice to lower the balance on the higher interest rate. No the banks apply payment to your balance on the purchases balance. THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!! and just another way for the banks to RIP YOU OFF!!! and make big bucks off you. I had a unfortunate scenerio a year ago and had to change some account info and get new cards and some of my acct info did not get set correctly and an overdraft protection amt came from my credit card 2 x and I immediately corrected this matter and paid that back that day or the next. I today am still paying on that balance at the 19.99% interest rate, because I have a balance on the purchases side which the interest rate is (9.99%) half of the other. THIS IS TOTAL CRAP AND IT NEEDS TO BE ADJUSTED BY THE HIGHER UP'S AND STOP RIPPING US COMSUMERS OFF!!!
Good day and make sure you "understand" cash advances in the future.