I would like to start by saying I believe therapy and rehabilitation is a good thing and that the concept behind Littledale hall is good.
However I have a major issue with Littledales treatment of relationships. This is a snippet from their website.
"Family and friends may play a vital role in the recovery process. Given this residents are encouraged (when possible and appropriate) to attempt to rebuild or develop positive relationships with family and friends"
It must be pointed out that our relationship was never an issue. All our arguments occurred only when my partner was drunk.
Littledale told my partner to end our relationship and end communications with me the moment that she entered the place. How was this rebuilding our relationship?
When she refused they allowed a compromise that she could only communicate via letter.
I found out that this alone was a complete breach of social care rules.
When I received letters from her they were dated 3 weeks late and were franked on the same day. By this I mean I received 3 letters in one go all franked on the same day yet dated 3 weeks earlier. It was clear that they had been withholding the mail my partner had sent.
Mail that I sent to her was being kept until someone was able to read it to her by Sue Robinson her key worker.
So lets talk about Sue Robinson
Mrs S Robinson. Dip Counselling. BA Hons TOPPS. Over 7 Years experience of working as a counsellor in a Therapeutic Community. CENTRA Groupwork Cert. DANOS Level 3 Health & Social Care (TBC Jan 2008)
This person seem well qualified but when my partner posed questions to me her answers were simply not helpful. I asked her opinion on a number of occasions especially when i had letter clearly stating my partners unrest.
She was quick to make suggestions that would make my partner stay in rehab, but none that would alleviate her discontent. In hindsight I should have never trusted her as this is a business not a family like they claim.
It is my opinion and I can prove Sue Robinson breached protocol and aided in the breakdown of my relationship.
1) she failed to relay on vital information that would stop my partner getting stressed.
2) she disallowed dialogue between me and my partner.
3) she failed to pass on key information to my partner.
4) she convinced me not do thing my partner had requested
5) She interfered in our relationship.
6) she put phone down on me when I requested to speak to Keith Robertson the director. The phone wasnt even answered by her.
Now lets talk about Mr Keith A Robertson
Registered Manager . CCETSW, CSC, IMS, DMS, Cert Ed 1. Advanced Cert Substance misuse. GCT Cert Group Therapy. Over 17 Years experience of working in the substance misuse field. 14 years experience of Managing Therapeutic Communities.
After reading his qualifications I trusted his judgement. His promise to arrange an interview after three months was broken and he had not kept his word. The communications still remained blocked.
I requested to see my partner on her birthday, Eid and My birthday yet all were denied. She wasn't even allowed to call me.
Up until a week ago my letters from my partner were full of questions that I had been advised to ignore and not respond to but consistently they ended with love, missing you, and xxxx.
I then received a disturbing letter telling how emotional and erratic she was feeling (confirmed by a family member)
I called in to Littledale and was shocked to be told this was not the case that she was happy and fine.
I asked about why she was home sick and i was told to ignore her and just talk about stuff that was not going to make her feel bad. I did just that.
A week later I received a dear John letter.
when i called in i was completely shunned by the staff and told if i rang again I would be arrested for harassment.
I contacted Keith Robertson who at first seemed to be helpful but then also shunned my calls.
I have received an anonymous call, from Lancaster telling me that my partner is being lied to, by staff and manipulated into a wrong state of mind. They have got involved into our personal lives and made wrong suggestions that over step the line.
My advise is not to use this rehabilitation facility as it is looking after the Business as oppose to the Patient.
They are currently being investigated for this.