I'm no expert by any means, but if Litton has screwed up your credit rating to the point it's going to take 7 years to fix, if it can be fixed and you are going to end up losing your home you have nothing to lose here.
I have a sister going through the same as many of you. She is paying her loan and Litton says she's behind by 6 months and has no record of her payments. She has written and talked with a backruptcy court, state representatives, attorney generals in two states and still nothing has happened. I hope at least everyone who deals with Litton had done the same thing. Keep contacting your politicians for help! Be a pest!! Tell them they need to help!! If not vote them out of office next go around. Pass the word to all your family, friends and as them to help with their vote. STOP being a victim here. Make Litton the victim. If we all become their worst nightmare like Litton has to you maybe, just maybe we all together can turn the tide.
Think about this. If you don't pay your house mortgage you end up in foreclosure right. If Litton says you are behind and you have receipts and they still will not work with you, then why pay them the money anyway? All they want is money!! That's why they play this game, cause they can get away with it. These service companies are not regulated by the federal government. So they can do want they want to.
Once again I'm no expert! But think about the stress level, lost sleep and unhealthy things this has caused. Write letters to politicians, get other banks in your area to help. All they can do is say no. Then start all over again. Contact other politicians in your area even if they don't cover your area. Peer pressure works with them as well. Write the attorney general of your state, the BBB, Governor. If politicians don't help you, tell them you are voting them out of office. Then when elections come up vote them out.
Just some things to think about! Become an advocate for yourself and others. We can't do this alone. Also look for class action lawsuits against Litton and see if you can join in. Overwhelm them like they have you!!
It's your right to live free of preditory bank practices and POLITICIANS take note! We need your help and if you can't help us YOU ARE FIRED!!!
Pass this on!