This gym is operating illegally. They are simply not following the rules that they have clearly stated in their contract with the members. They charged all the members a so called $25.00 "maintenance fee" without prior authorization. Our contract clearly states that all the fees that appear on the contract are the only ones that we will be charged and that any other changes to the contract must be agreed on by both parties and signed by both parties. Since these scam artists have some of our credit/debit card numbers to automatically debit our fees every month, they illegally used them to charge us for this fee that we did not authorize. They claim to have sent out a letter notifying us, which I never received. And even assuming that they did send this letter to other members, this is still a violation of our contract because charging our credit/debit cards for anything other than our monthly dues is not what the contract states as a change that I agreed to and signed. I want everyone to know that this gym is what the better bussiness bureau classifies as a grade "F" company. If you are looking to sign up with this gym, do NOT do it. They are rude, have no customer service skills and they simply do not care about their members on top of the fact that they are SCAM ARTISTS. I have already filed a complaint with the better business bureau, along with 21 other people who have filed a complaint against them in the last 3 years.
Check it out for yourself:
I have tried contacting customer service, managers, and the company that they use to charge us and no one will help and in fact, they stated that they simply WILL NOT give me a refund. If you are a current member and you're as upset as I am about this issue, let me give you some advice, cancel your debit/credit card and have the company/bank reissue you a new number. Start paying your dues by check and this will stop the unauthorized fees to our cards. They have justified this fee, by saing that, "it's a once a year thing" but who's to stop them from doing it 5 times a year?
I hope that this complaint at least helps other people in making a decision in choosing a fitness center. Livingwell Lady LLC is a terrible company!! Do not sign up with them.