Scamed by K2Law
February 26, 2011
Took $3,650.00 Did Nothing
K2Law’s contract states they will provide no services until they sign and return a copy to the client. K2 never returned any copies. I called, they sent nothing. The contract 4 Stages 1_Pre-qualification. 2_Legal Compliance Audit. Determining if violations have occurred, K2 audits loan package. If necessary submitting a QualifiedWrittenRequest to lender for documents. After this audit all documents will be available to client if they chose to directly contact lender. I never received or was offered any documents. 3_ Processing and Prep. of loss mitigation application. I receive no calls, emails, or papers at Stage3. 4_(Optional)- Negotiation. Client can elect to retain K2 for negotiation of loss mitigation solution, I was never called, emailed or sent documents about choosing K2. Months later I get a statement from Wells Fargo with a new monthly payment. I call K2 and they say they think this is a 3 month trial payment I must pay to qualify for a permanent loan modification. I start making this payment, though its exactly what WellsFargo told me my loan was adjusting to 3 months prior to paying K2 to negotiate a permanent loan modification. June 2010 I receive papers from WellsFargo to sign and return: 1-Accept loan modification from June 2010 to Dec. 2010, then the Loan adjusts again.2-Agree never to have a third party negotiate again.3-Agree to pay costs WellsFargo might incur selling loan to FreddieMac /FannyMae. I didn’t sign and called K2.I receive the first ever paperwork from K2, a hand written FAX stating the exact terms WellsFargo sent me 3 months before I paid K2. K2 had not negotiated any change in my loan at all.