The inabality of this company to give accurate, truthful, timely answers to questions raised by clients who are dealing with the largest and most important investment of their life. It is amazing to me of the incredulous, anti customer, poor quality, and poor performance of the majority of personell that I have come into contact with at this company. With the economy in turmoil and one in 6 persons vying for each and evry job out there the downright lowness of this company to turn a bad situation even worse amazes me. I do not know how many people out there are experiencing problems with Litton Loan Servicing, LLP. When is the great State of Texas, and the Federal Government Department of Housing and Urban Development investigate this company for unfair deceptive practices, violations of Federal laws, predatory lending, and any thing else they can find.
Please contact me if you would like to join in some kind of action against this company.My house has not been foreclosed yet and Ii am seeking the protection and advice of an attorney who I cannot afford but I also cannot afford not to have. please write or join me in trying to put these people on a level playing field so we the backbone of america can stay in our homes and keep the American Dream Alive.