September 17, 2008
Alabama Service Department Rudeness
Purchased new service from a very nice service Rep. out out Nashville Tn.whom was selling your product. He was a wonderful salesman and helpled us to the maxium. When info. was verified for my home location in Al. I recieved nothing but trouble. I was told that my home address wasnt a legitamate 911 address, but our local 911 vertified it to be correct. A hookup date was set up 3 times which no one showed up because of the same excuse after 911 vertified the address to be correct. over 10 phone calls was made to at&t with each one never being posted as to the problems I was having. Being DISABLED I continued to try and convince the at&t service dept. here that I needed services they only got ruder and more uncaring and never tried to solve the problem. I was then told that my home was located on the wrong side of the street for my address to be correct. When asked if someone could just come out and see that this was correct I was told NO. I even had them talk and take several of my neighbors info. whom had had services done days and months earlier addresses and info and this didnot work still no phone services. Each Time I called I receive a different person. No one was concerned about this issue and responsed and if selling myself and my sister service didnot matter. When matters got worst I spoke with other residents in my area and was told that the Alabama area was the worst AT&T phone Service Dept. to have to deal with because the truly didnot care if they sold phones or not because the made it clear that they Got Their Pay Checks Regardless!. So after many attempts of trying to to get services and deal with these rude people My sister and I both Cancelled our Applications for new services and tried to contact our sales rep in Nashville (Jamayne Jontae Hall)whom was so wonder at helping us. We often visit Nashville and hope to look him up again to tell him our story and to tell him that we wish that Alabama had more AT&T people like he and his Store. We we cancelled we treated, thinking that since we had purchased (2) seperated new services the reps would be different and not want to lose (2)Payments, we were wrong they were so donot Give a Dam and Surely didnot DOCUMENT ANY OF THE EVENTS THAT HAPPENED WITH OUR MISTREATMENT, because each time we called no one knew anything about our problems except what they knew would make their office look NON-AT FAULT. Its amazing how people really cover their Asses. But its even More amazing how AT&T being such a well know Company will allow things like this to happen and not look into these situations. When my Sister was told that her house wasn't wired for services that really took the Cake. The Service dept. had never been out, how could they give that excuse? What was the problem? What had we ran into? Where was the AT&T that we had always known? What was we to do? We was actually "REFUSED SERVICES FROM THE AT&T SERVICE DEPT> THAT SERVICES OUR AREA IN GREENSBORO ALABAMA" but when it all comes out or the wash we will be the ones at fault behind their poor services. We have 2 neighbors that witness our serval attempts to contact and reason with the company but yet and still we were treated like wrongdoers just because we wanted to give AT&T our money for their phone services. Today we still have no home services and am to frustrated and unsure of what to do to do about AT&T so now we are call a different Phone company for services that we preferred to get from AT&T. But be aware we will tell every one in our path about this situation and will discourage our state to state family and friends to not use AT&T because of our experiences. If a DISABLED Mother OF 2 cannot get HELP for Local Emergency AT&T In This Alabama Area Then what will happen Next with AT&T. Has this Alabama Area AT&T Grown to popular to service minorities and diabled like myself and spending their time servicing the more well to do areas or are they just not concerned with our needs anymore.I am hurt, My sister is a 6 year cell phone user of At&t and just purchased a 4th line to her services, and has had no problems until we moved here and had to use the home service dept.this is her first HOME PHONE SERVICE anywhere and what an experience, , , Maybe the home service company we are seeking to service us now will be different but we willnot hold our tongues about this experience. We were wrongfully serviced by AT&T Service Dept. in our Greensboro Alabama, Area not the Whole At&t Company but One represents the other.We are hoping for Feed back on this issue!!!