There are local moving companies under various A. K.A.'s that are operating in the above stated areas. The BBB is very aware of this fact, but doesn't go public with it. (One of)The local news refuses to investigate further, since an anchor man was attacked by one of the moving co's owners (which is on film). I paid hundreds of dollars to take one of the moving co's to small claims court, only to be told that "the person that issues the notice, could not find the company and doesn't have the time to look for them." I did not get a refund. I ask, is this division of the court allowing it to happen because they profit too? I find it hard to believe that the court isn't aware of the scam, as another parish (court)is well aware of the scam in the New Orleans area.
All in all, the companies change locals frequently to avoid be served, etc. They lie from the beginning to the end. They have perfected their scams and it has been going on for years. People, as myself, come to New Orleans to help others and as a welcoming, we are stolen from and the city allows it to happen. Would someone please stand up and stop this from happening to others! Put an add of how to avoid moving scams in the newspapers every day & run some adds on television about it. Stop being afraid! The police deptartment knows about it, but can't do anything... because as the moving company rudely told them, "It's a civil matter and nothing you can do about it."
This has been going on for years and no one is doing a damn thing to stop it. How could those of you with the ability to make a difference allow this to happen to the innocent and naive and for so many years?