In Jan/Feb of this year (2011) I contacted LocalNet about the possibility of using them for my ISP. I was having trouble with my long time ISP, PittsburghConnect, and was thinking about making a change. I asked about payinfg for a year at a time and doing a debit on my bank account. They said they could do that. There was NO definite comittment, just a possible start date of no earlier than the first part of April, and that I would call them as soon as I made a decision and as to when to begin service.
Then my 11 year old computer quit and it was going to cost over $100 to fix it, and at this same time, I had 2 elderly family members die and I had to pay funeral expenses for BOTH - $12, 000!! Well, I don't have that kind of money just hanging around in my bank account, and funerals come before a new computer. So I called LocalNet on March 8th - in plenty of time, and told them what happened and that I did not have a computer so I did not need their service, and it would be a LONG time before I would be able to buy another one, and to either Cancel the order OR postpone it INDEFINITELY.
They said I could call them when I was ready. I also said that the startup disc they were going to send me, they could just forget about that - NOT to send it, since without a computer, I would NOT need it. Then the lady, says, "Oh, we'll send it right out to you today!" I said that I just told her that I did not have a computer and NOT to send it - and she said, "okay".
Well, they tried to bill me for a whole YEAR and there was not enough in my account - so they charged me another $35 and then tried again to get the money, and then added another fee! I got my bank statement and BOY was I MAD!!! They claim the account began on April 1st and I owed it! I reminded them I had cancelled!
They said I did not send a CANCELLATION LETTER! They never said they needed a LETTER! So I sent a letter in May, and then I got my bank statement yesterday (June 2)and they billed me $33.94 and said that was for cancelling service - I only had a POTENTIAL ORDER - I never had SERVICE, so how could I cancel something I never had??? And with NO computer, and NO Start Up Disc, how could I have ANY service????? They claimed my call on March 8th just put off my order until April 8th - they said they could not suspend the order more than 30 days. Well I had told them to either CANCEL it OR put it off INDEFINITELY - I never agreed to just a 30 day deferral . . And no LETTER was ever mentioned.
This is a scam Company - and they will sck every penny out of you that they can! Run from them!!!