Recently I have purchased Wilife outdoor camera (command center 2.5) about 2 months back and it stopped working as of September 24 2009. I finally called Logitech support on November 2nd to resolve the issue after 3 hour call with Customer services person (Adam Irvin) it come to conclusion that Camera is defective and I really did not have good experience with type of services provided to me. Person was not knowledgable and extremly rood. After that when I was checking review of the product and experience about other people and I found out it is similar experience what I have.
Here I am attaching that website for your review.
At the end of call I ask Adam Irvin that if he can have his supervisor call me following day because I really like to discuss returning of this product as it is still under less than 30 days after reading other people experience I do not want to invest in product which west my time troubleshooting every week. I provided him 3 different time block of my availability and his answer was that his supervisor is so busy that he will call me when he will have time and in fact he never call me so finally called back yesterday and customer service rep have send me return label.
Again I have spend 2 hour installing product, 2 hour trouble shooting now another 1 hour de-installing and that will go on.
Please can some assure me that replacement I will get for my camera which will not have a problem if you they can not refunf then refund my money.
I wish I got some justice here..