Before I start, let me make this clear: I did not order this product via mail or through the internet. Wednesday 2-25-09: received a US Postal Service package containing a bottle: CarallumaExtreme w/green tea enclosed. There was no invoice, no information on how I ordered it. Return Address: Lose Weight Systems; 1155 W. Pioneer Blvd. Ste. 103-211, Mesquite, Nevada, United States. Thursday 2-26-09: Checked my Master Card and found a ‘charge pending’: (02/22/2009 pending CARALLUMMA EXTREME $34.84). I researched the company name & address and found a phone number 800-430-1529. I called the number and asked about the charge; explained that this was not ordered and would be challenged. They immediately said the account would be shut down; taking 7-10 business days for money to be refunded. I also received a Confirmation #. 2-26-09: Shortly thereafter (an hour or so), I received two emails:
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 8:40 AM
Subject: Your Adipose Order Refund Confirmation
Your Order id 344XXX has been refunded.
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 8:40 AM
Subject: Your Adipose Order Cancel Confirmation
Your Order id 344XXX has been cancelled.
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
2-26-09: Called Mastercard: 888-763-5655 Confirmed Charge, $34.84 was pending. They guaranteed we will not be liable for bad charges. I must wait till it is posted, then call back and file a complaint. They could give me no further information until the charge cleared. The Credit Card was canceled immediately. I then did some research on It forwarded to a web site called. Site owned and operated by Turkey Out, Unit 13 Riverside Business Park, St Annes Road, Bristol England, BS4 4ED. Friday 2-27-09: 9 AM: Checked my Master Card via the Web. The pending charges were gone! I could get no further information from Master Card. As far as they were concerned, they could do no more. 2-27-09: 1130 AM: I filed a Mail Fraud Complaint the with the US Postal Inspection Service against Lose Weight Systems at URL: Monday 3-2-09: Received ANOTHER unsolicited package via the US Postal Service; ADIPOSERX, 60 tablets: from Lose Weight Systems. I left a VM at the 800 number asking them to call and explain this end unsolicited order. I’m sorry to say there will probably be more to this story. My guess is there are hundreds or even more whom have been victimized by this fraud.