I ordered by telephone 1 hearing amplifier, which included an additional free one. When prompted by the voice, I chose the upgrade which added to the shipping and handling charge. However, I was then advised I would receive a $50 coupon for goods at WalMart, $70 worth of coupons, and a subscription for $16.95/mo., the first 30 days free. I could not catch what the subscription was for and I tried and tried to say No, but the voice only acknowledged my order, upgrade, and the fact that I would receive the items that I did not want. When I receive the materials I am to be given 30 days to cancel my subscription to whatever it was, but I shouldn't be in the position of having to cancel something I didn't want in the first place. To have added to what I ordered without giving me the option to say No is deceptive marketing and shouldn't be allowed.
Today I received the hearing devices minus the other items, but one of the devices does not work and I shall have to deal with the company about that.