This complaint is from my wifes work. She's been working for couple of yrs as part-time. Originally started working 5 to 6 hrs daily, the they cut her hrs 2 yrs ago.m now working (Moday thru Friday 2hrs then Saturday and Sunday3hrs) 7 days a week and employer refuses to give her 1 day off. 2nd of all these she sterted noticing her check stub as her payment shows as 28 hrs regular and eather 2 to 4 hrs as over time. (her pay period ends every other wednesday). My question is. If shes' a partime employee, is this information valid? or is the employer doing fraud? or summbitting payments felecting to the state and the employment office (feredal tax)? Then her boss is harrasing her as she needs to solve loundy problems (customers conplaining for mechines does not have any change or receiving coins that are not money and maybe the managers placing? We see as froud. My wife has evidence and can get witness of these irregularities. Please reply with your response.
Thank you,
Mr. Preciado
[email protected]