August 24, 2009
After spending three hours at Lowe's finding the products I needed on my day off, Sunday, my company check was declined for NO REASON available. I spend a huge amount with this particular Lowe's store every year and had just used eleven of the my same company checks in one month. NEVER has a check of mine bounced or any problems occurred. This was one of the most humiliating, embarrassing things thats ever happened to me. Customers were waiting behind me in the check-out line and also local employees of Lowe's added to this fact. I am a well known local businessman with one of my company checks that is 100% valid, but I'm told otherwise, and in public to make matters worse. I left almost $700.00 in products and went elsewhere. What else could I do? The saddest part of it all is, no matter how many times I asked the Lowe's manager or called Certegy Check Services why this happened, NO EXPLANATION could be given. Well, that's not going to fly. I did not sign a contract with Certegy Check Services asking them for permission to use my checks at Lowe's. Nor have I ever been approached from Lowe's concerning this issue. I seriously think legal action is in order here. This type of injustice is wrong and I cannot see how it can be legal. My rights have been violated and yours also, if this type of wrongful treatment has occurred to you. Corporate America has lost sight, or simply does not care, and we the people, the true America, must defend ourselves and our country. A criminal should be ashamed of his deeds and many are punished accordingly, but an honest hard working citizen should not be publicly displayed and punished as a criminal. Sincerely, Bobby Neal Carty / Budget Inn Express - 180 East Mountain Parkway, Salyersville, KY 41465