Don’t trust the commercial hype about how good their installs are. The installers look NOTHING like the one’s on TV. Sure price was great but then the install took place. Granted the buying process went ok, even though we waited for over a half hour for someone to enter our order at the store. No one knew how to enter a carpet install, seriously.
Basement Carpet Install:
To start, my wife took the day off for the installation. They told us the installer would be there between 8 and 9am. Then a call came that they were running behind. Next I get a call from my wife at 1pm they finally showed up. It turns out the carpet has a bad run, they can either keep laying it or pull off the job. I told them to go ahead and put it down, I would look at it later that night, needless to say it looked horrific. So we schedule new carpet install for a couple weeks later, with my wife being extremely upset because the carpet was supposed to be in before our wedding-gift opening, that didn’t happen.
2nd Try! The installers arrived early in the morning, in a beat up van with the carpet sticking out the back and grubby looking guys (I didn’t want to leave the house open, but didn’t have a choice). They pulled off the job early morning to finish another job in Kenosha then came back around 4pm, right during dinner! Wrapping up just before 7pm. Great Job….yeah right.
Word to the wise: Don’t sacrifice quality installation for a lower price. Never will we have a Big Box company do our installations.