My Grandfather, who has had a Lowes Credit Card since the early 1980's just had his account closed. What is funny he only owed $100.00 and had a credit line of $6.000.00.
I would like to know if anyone else in Arkansas or in the U.S.A have experienced this before.
Grandfather, never missed a payment. I made numerous attempts to contact Lowes and GE Money Bank Corporate Headquarters and they could care less.
Any Help greatly appreciated. Also the Local Republican Congressman from the 3rd Congressional District could care less either.
I contacted my Congressman from Missouri and was informed that because of new Laws even if he could help unless my Grandfather's Congressman John Boozman, got involed in Grandfather's cause nothing could be done.
It sounds like Lowes and GE Money Bank are Republicans. Remember folks the Republicans got us into the Credit Card/Banking Mess Democrats care Republicans could careless.
Boycott Lowes and GE Money Bank and send the Republicans packing.