I have a mail carrier whom I am sure is either on drugs or just simply can't read. I receive phone calls and statements from my companies daily that they have not rec'd my payments. Thanks to this mail lady my checking account is thoroughly screwed up and she's working on screwing up my credit. I have called her supervisor and the branch manager. Each time the problem only gets worse. Given the fact that stamps have gone up again, and I am further forced to take my mail to the P.O. to feel more confident it gets into the system does not set well. I am paying and paying for a service I cannot receive. I have been told by her subs that they have noticed there seems to be alot of mail in her chute when they follow her. She use to come in on her phone all the time now she has a Bluetooth in her ear. (
Not to mention she is out of uniform) Which only matters to me because I would get other peoples mail and others would have mine. Something has to be done with this woman. I have ONLY had trouble since she started this route in Sept.08. This problem is daily, is there nothing you can do with your employees? It is NO wonder the Post Office Branch is in such peril with employees like her. I hope and pray someone will look into this matter. Thank You, Linda Bachman, owner