Went to Lucky Break at Access Park today to buy some Jeep clothing. Instead of everything being grouped into sizes like normal today it was into manufactured batches. Through the disco like music we found a shop assistant who told us that this was grouped according to their stocktake the day before and we would need to go through the entire rack to find the sizes we wanted. She asked what size we were looking for and after flipping through a few items returned back to her mates behind the till, sat down and continued to chat.
Quite simply if there were 5 people sitting there they could have used the time to get the store back to the way it was before the customers started to arrive and if I want to listen to music at deafening volume I will attend a disco. The request to turn down the music so we could hear oursleves think was greeted with much amusement from the totally ineffectual staff including the manager who sat and watched the entire exchange.
Wake up. We are in a recession and those of us who are going to spend are not compelled to spend with you. We will spend our money where people want our custom and you will be back on your asses on the street and wonder why!