This lottery has been in place since summer of 2009. Originally, chances were sold for $5.00. We bought 6 tickets. The company did not sell enough tickets to make the guaranteed payout of $500, 000.00 and to give at least 40, 000.00 to charity. Originally, the drawing was scheduled for January 1, 2010. It was then rescheduled for February and then March and then April. Beginning Dec 31, 2009, they started selling tickets 5 for $20.00 and now (with a coupon from the paper) tickets can be purchased 6 for $20.00. Essentially, people who bought tickets in 2009 were cheated. When asked if I could bring in the coupon and ticket stubs could I get extra tickets I was told no. The person I spoke to could not see the difference between what they did and a grocery store coupon.
This is a form of fraud, pure and simple.