I, Dinesh gaur, wish to inform that if any body wants to buy house in any of the mentioned company's project then he/she must visit "luxotica" floors situated at sector-51, gurgaon being built by the said company and then decide. Almost all, those who had purchased floor here from the company feels that the material used in construction is sub-standard and is of third class quality(whether it is wood-work, sanitary fittings, electrical fittings and paint etc...) and are not as per the specifications provided by the company in its brouchers / aggrements.
The possesions of the floors must have been given to the buyers almost a year before but considering the pace of work going on at the site, it is almost impossible even upto next six months or so.
The buyers had two collective meetings with the senior officias of the company, but till now no steps had been initiated ( with regard to quality of construction and handing possesion of the units) to resolve the geniune grieviences of their customers.
One more fact, the company raised demand for almost 95% of the payment ( where the payment plan was construction linked ) within one year of booking and for the balance payment of 5%, which was to be paid at the time of possision the company had not raised the demand from last one and half year, which clearly indicates towards the malafied intentions of the company from the very begiening. so-be-carefull