On 5/22/09 I purchase a handbag from LuxuryGlobalGifts.com. The item was advertised with leather handles for a handbag. When I received the item I found that the handles on the handbag were not leather (a synthetic material) and requested to return the item for a refund. I paid $215.00 for the handbag and I am not satisfied with it. The purse was shipped from China and the mailing lable is marked " Family Wedding Gift valued at $20.00. I emailed the company (a return reply to an email sent to me by the company) no response received. I telephoned (888 297-4163) the company using the telephone number advertised with the site only to get a voice mail which never responded to the message I left. I am a frequent OnLine shopper and have never experienced this before. Please help me get a refund. Thank you.
Mattie Bogan
17943 Lavergne Ave
Country Club Hills Il 60478
[email protected]
708 799-0426 (home)
708 207-3732 (cellular)