Luxxor International Group

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Category: Business & Finances

Contact Information
Orlando, Florida, United States

Phone number: 3863070329

Luxxor International Group Reviews

savchris July 28, 2010
She stole $1500 from me!
Amy Wilkerson contacted me about selling my time shares. I have 2 Wyndham points packages. She e-mailed me signed contracts of the "buyers!" It has been over 2 months. She doesn't return my e-mails, all her phone numbers have been disconnected, and her website is down. She has stolen $1500 from me! I am filing a cast against her. However, I know I will never see a dime from this fradulent person! I should've listened to the other timeshare companies NEVER PAY AN UPFRONT FEE TO SELL A TIMESHARE!
Herman Weld July 28, 2010
I KNOW...I AM STUPID! I should have done my research, especially here. I did not check Luxxor International Group before I got involved. Promises, Promises, Promises, and I am now out $3, 599! I GOT SCAMMED trying to sell my timeshare. Contacted by Amy Wilkerson and she already had a buyer with $ ready to go to escrow. All she needed was my $. I should have realized when Amy told me that the buyer was eager to use the timeshare in 60 days, and she needed my money and the buyer was going to pay $2, 000 more than I was asking. Yep, I know, I am a SUCKER. She cashed my check and now will not return phone calls or emails. I placed my unit for sale on TUGG's Timeshare Forum( She found me there and realized I was desperate to sell my Palm Springs timeshare. I should have looked at Tugg forums to see the negative posts there( I just noticed the complaints on this site and when I typed in Luxxor International Group...up popped up hundreds of others who got ripped off. MY FAULT, but just trying to warn anyone else who is contact by Amy Wilkerson and Luxxor International Group. I just might file a complaint with Flordia's Attorney General(that is what is recommended at this site). I guess I will get in line with everyone else and hopefully I will get a fraction of my money back.
Bill Litfin July 20, 2010
This company led by AMY WILKERSON is a scam. They take your money and run. They will call or email you unsolicited and tell you they have a buyer for your property and you need to list with them to sell it. She is a scam and a liar. Dont give this bitch a dime.
Rashid Nadat May 22, 2010
Thieves - not be trusted
Luxxor Internation Group should not be trusted. I was cotnacted by Amy Wilkerson in December 2009 by email stating that she had abuyer for mu time share. I signed a contract of sale on which she had noted a buyers name. She informed me that the deal was going through and that I should pay her fees, I paid her the fees by paypal and she returned it back to me stating that the fees will be tied up by paypal for 6 months and so I should pay by bank transfer. It should have clicked to me that something is wrong. On 31 January 2010, Amy Wilkerson sent me an email confirming that she had the buyer ready to purchase the unit with her name, she also confirmed that that my 50% of my fees of $1499 akong with the sales proceeds wil be paid back to me on completion and that she is looking at completeing at the end of February and sending my money to me in March. In February when I contacted her she told me that the bank was waiting for the buyer to file her tax return before finalising the loan. Since mid March I have made a lot of calls as well as emails and I am not getting any reply. before when ever I rang or sent an email, I got a reponse immediately. DO NOT TRUST THEM. THEY WILL JUST TAKE YOU FOR A RIDE AND STEAL YOUR MONEY
Susan Fry May 10, 2010
Bad People! They STOLE $5200 From Me
Luxxor International just STOLE $5200 from me! I was under contract with Luxxor to sell my timeshare. Angela Stephenson was the representative that contacted me by email, stating she had a group of buyers interested in my timeshare. I had just listed it on MLS Timeshare site and Angela told me that my price was too low and that she had approved buyers that were willing to pay about $4500 more than my asking price. I signed all the documents to start escrow and I gave her a check for $5200 for the fees. I was told I was to receive 50% of the $5200 back at the close of escrow.Escrow was suppose to close 3 months ago. I tried calling Angela and she did not return my phone messages or emails. Finally, Amy Wilkerson reached me and said Angela no longer was employed by Luxxor. She was going to handle the escrow. Now, she won't call me back. I have sent 10 emails without a response. More than 20 phone calls and messages and NO replies.I had my sister in law drive to Orlando from her house(45 minutes away) and she told me the address I gave her was a Post Office Box, and the Suite number(381) was the box number. The clerk told her that he was aware of others who was looking for Luxxor or anyone associated with Luxxor. I want to file a small claims lawsuit, but I have no where to serve it. They seem to not have an business address, just the postal box. I have read the complaints already about Luxxor and was wondering if anyone has had success in getting their money back. I live in Alabama and a mother of two, and I just do not have the energy or the know how to fight this. Can someone who has dealt with this company, help me.
ken ryerson April 23, 2010
Amy Wilkerson(aka Amy Brooke, Angela Stephenson), CEO/PRESIDENT(even though she told me she was 'just an employee") of LUXXOR INTERNATIONAL, has made a statement that 'we are NOT being investigated"...sorry to inform you Amy...I just got ANOTHER email from your friend, Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, wanting additional information for HIS INVESTIGATION! RUN AMY RUN!! Here is just a thank you from Mr. McCollum for me and ALL THE OTHERS WHO HAVE BEEN SCAMMED BY YOU..and YOUR SO CALLED COMPANY...LUXXOR INTERNATIONAL GROUP...Amy, don't buy'll be wearing PRISON BLUES!

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum received your correspondence
regarding Luxxor International Group, LLC. Attorney General McCollum
asked that I respond on his behalf. I am sorry for your difficulties.

I have reviewed your information to determine if the Attorney General's
Office can in any way be of assistance to you. Attorney General McCollum
has made timeshare resales one of his top consumer priorities for this

The Attorney General's Office is actively investigating multiple
businesses pursuant to Florida’s Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act,
Chapter 501, Part II, Florida Statutes, and we use complaints such as
yours to identify patterns of questionable business activity. These
patterns may indicate the need for formal investigation or action by our
office to protect the broad public interest.

Please review the Attorney General's news release below about our efforts
concerning the timeshare resale industry:

ken ryerson April 14, 2010
More Clients Of Luxxor International Group GETTING SCAMMED
As the days go by, there is an INCREASING number of PAST CLIENTS of Luxxor International Group coming forward to express how AMY WILKERSON(aks Amy Brooke, Angela Stephenson...and yes a new one aka Semantha Reynolds) SCAMMED them for $$$ and then disappeared! A THINK TO THINK ABOUT! On a website named COMPLAINTS BOARD...WHY? are there posting of PRAISING, GRATITUDE, about a company? Isn't this a board about people who are GETTING RIPPED OFF, SCAMMED, TAKEN ADVANTAGE or UNHAPPY? And all these praisings...Let's look at the dates in order: Nov.24, Nov 25, Nov 26, Dec.1 and Jan.1. Looks like real happy people Thanksgiving weekend? New Years Day?...think about it...Amy Wilkerson posted a FREE PRESS RELEASE...telling people they were 'RANKED TOP TIMESHARE RESALER OF 2010". Does she think telling positive stories on COMPLAINT Boards, really means alot? Here is the list so far and this is JUST THE BEGINNING of people who got RIPPED OFF, SCAMMED, LIED TO and LOST $$ because of Amy Wilkerson(or whoever she is) and Luxxor International Group.

1. Ken Ryerson- SCAMMED for $1999.00
2. karenbankson ( and (
3. alber1 (
4. trainlady3985-(
6.Don't fall for it-(

I want to make a note that all of the above have posted their own expierence with Luxxor. And being so, I am just copy and paste complaints from this webiste and other. Also, with Amy's permission, she told me to keep posting, so I will do so. Thank you Amy
ken ryerson April 12, 2010
Amy Wilkerson Retracts LIES From TUGS
Here is a website named TUG BBS Timeshare User Group. A great website for people IN THE KNOW, about timeshares. They promote a forum for people to go and talk about their timeshares, buying and selling, places to travel, etc. And guess what? AMY WILKERSON, the CEO/PRESIDENT of Luxxor International Group found enough time(even though she hasn't found time to anwer questions here) and she POSTED evidence that ...SHE HAD TO RETRACT...because enough people at TUG, lit into her about HER SCAM business at Luxxor International Group. I guess she was posting a rebuttle to my posting...when the HEAT got to much for AMY, and when it was mentioned that she was lying and putting damaging things about her SCAM, she went in and erased her postings...LOL LOL..Oen of TUG's members even called LUXXOR INTERNATIONAL GROUPS place of business(a postal box in a shopping center) and it was confirmed...LUXXORS INTERNATIONAL GROUPS place of business is a SMALL 5" POSTAL MAIL BOX! And another member, who lives in Orlando, wants to meet up with AMY to discuss her BUSINESS OF TIMESHARE RESELLING AND RENTING! LOL LOL.I guess when you say enough LIES and MISREPRESENT the business, that FELLOW TIMESHARE OWNERS KNOW IS BS, then Amy bailed and erased and hit the road. I have also seen somemore threads about OTHERS WHO GOT RIPPED OFF too. A senior citizen got rip off for over $10, 000 and she has LOST EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF AMY WILKERSON(aka Amy Brooke and Angela Stephenson) AND LUXXOR INTERNATIONAL is a link to what OTHERS IN THE KNOW ARE TELLING EVERYONE ABOUT...AMY WILKERSON & LUXXOR INTERNATIONAL GROUP's SCAM!
ken ryerson April 5, 2010
Questions For Amy Wilkerson,CEO/President of Luxxor International: For EVERYONE to Read On Complaints Board! Let's Clear Up This Mess!
To: Amy Wilkerson, President/CEO Luxxor International Group, Orlando, FL

RE: Questions EVERYONE Would Like To Know About YOU and Luxxor International Group

Amy, to clear up this mess about Complaints files against you and Luxxor International Group, please answer them to the best of your knowledge.

1. Is the address Luxxor International Group uses on their website, letterhead, and business cards of 3936 S Semoran Blvd., Suite 381, Orlando, Fl 32822, an actual BUSINESS LOCATION for Luxxor or is it a mail box drop? If it is a mail box drop, then WHAT is the actual location where Luxxor International Group conducts it's daily work? In otherwords, where does Amy Wilkerson report to work on a daily basis?

2. Have you used any alias when conducting business with Luxxor? And if so, who is Angela Stephenson and Amy Brooke, in relation to you? And, if so, WHY? is it necessary to conduct business using an alias?

3. Do you or any employee of Luxxor have a REAL ESTATE LICENSE in the state of Florida? If not, what type of license do YOU and Luxxor have with the state of Florida? Also, please list the license numbers? It's alright, it is public record and should be on all contracts, letterhead and websites.

4. Have YOU ever QUOTED timeshare prices, filled out SALES CONTRACTS, LOAN DOCUMENTS and put your name on them? If so, where you aware those activities were required to have a REAL ESTATE LICENSE?
5. Have you ever told a client that you could have their maintenace fees at TRADING PLACES INTERNATIONAL or any other Timeshare Management Company, be placed 'on hold' while properties are in escrow?
6. Have you ever CASHED or ACCEPTED deposits, fees, commissions, for Timeshare resales?
7. You or Luxxor International Group put out a PRESS RELEASE, dated, March 27, 2010, stating Luxxor International Group was "Rated Best Timeshare Resale Company of 2010". WHO rated Luxxor? WHO filed that press release? and where can everyone see the complete list of companies on this rating?
7. Please list the name & address of the REAL ESTATE AGENT/COMPANY, ESCROW COMPANY and TAMARACK FINANCIAL GROUP AGENT, that YOU and Luxxor International Group uses on a regular basis? This is NOT any information that is secret or cannot be provided to your clients, is it?
8. If I have made any misstatements concerning YOU or Luxxor, and it has damaged your reputation and caused you and Luxxor GREAT FINANCIAL harm, why have you not filed a lawsuit? by the way, you have my address and I will provide it for EVERYONE to see.

Amy, your quick response to these questions, will help all of your potential clients. They are easy and to the point. We will be waiting for your answers.

If you just answer ALL of these questions Amy, I think it would clear up this entire mess of complaints. They are NOT tough questions, but are IMPORTANT to know for everyone conducting business with the "BEST RATED TIMESHARE RESALER IN 2010"...don't you think?
Helen Bankson April 4, 2010
Cash My Deposit, And I Haven't Heard From Them Since!
I was contacted from Luxxor International Group 4 1/2 months ago. I was told that they had a buyer who was interested in my timeshares in Hawaii. That received my email from a listing I had on TUGS Timeshare site. The lady, Angela Stephenson, told me a family stayed at my timeshare resort and loved it. She told me that they had been approved through Bank of America and was ready to buy, if I was interested. The price Angela quoted was alot more than I was asking, and Angela promised that all the escrow could be handled in 60 days. My fee to Luxxor was to be $9, 200, but I would receive 1/2 of my money back when escrow closed. I am a Senior on a fixed income, so I had to borrow the $9200 from a close friend, so I could get escrow started. I fill out all the paper work, and mailed two checks totaling $9200. I did not send in the deeds to both timeshares. I received a phone call from Amy Wilkerson, welcoming me to the group and I would be receiving discounts and free travel vouchers, because I had my two timeshares in escrow. Luxxor International Group cashed my two checks, totaling $9200 and I have not heard a word since. When I call, all I get is an answering machine, to push this button, and push that button, but no live voice. I also have left email messages for both Angela and Amy, and I have not heard a response. The phone number for the escrow company also only gives me an answering machine. It has now been over 4 months since Luxxor International Group cashed both checks, and I have heard nothing back. What can I do? I am scared to tell my friend that I have been suckered, but she wants me to repay her. I have read a couple of reports of this happening to others. Can you please contact me and tell me what I need to do.$9200 is alot for a Senior on a fixed income. I am absolutely sick about what has happened. Escrow should have closed a month ago, at least. Please help me if you can. Thanks you, Helen

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