March 2, 2011
Stay so far away, run for the hills
Do not waste your money on this lsactorstudio.com Lynette Sheldon Acting Class psycho, I have read other complaint boards about her class and they were all true. I thought I would give her the benefit of the doubt but let me tell you she has no business calling herself a teacher.
Stay So far away, run for the hills. I have been to 4 classes and could not take the pain any more. Don’t be fooled and save your money.
May 27, 2009
Crazy and unqualified, a real waste of time!
Dont waste your money on this psycho, i've read other complaint boards about her class and they were all true. I thought I would give her the benefit of the doubt but let me tell you she has no business calling herself a teacher.
Stay far far away, run for the hills. Ive been to 4 classes and couldnt take the pain any more. Dont be fooled...save your money