MacKissic Inc

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MacKissic Inc Reviews

org3 May 25, 2011
Briggs And Stratton JUNK
This report is about Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper company and Briggs and Stratton engine company. Two companies that won't do the appropriate, helpful and right thing for their customer. A customer that invested a lot of effort into selecting their product, locating a dealer, locating the wholesaler to see their machine in action, and finally investing so much of their life savings into the product, totaling around $1, 500. The Ripoff Report is about a home organic gardener that purchased a heavy duty Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper with a Briggs and Stratton engine. It's about the product never working properly, stuttering to a stop after 10 to 20 mins and being unable to re-start unless left for 30 minutes to an hour. The report is about Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper company knowing their dealer ripped off their customer by doing a fake repair all simply to get extra money from the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper customer. see more photo's below.. As that repair was fake and didn't do anything to help, the Ripoff Report is also about Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper company forwarding the problem Briggs and Stratton and to a different Briggs and Stratton repair facility. A facility so poor the term 'dump' should be used instead of the term 'care', in relation to what it does for your machine when it arrives at the facility. A Briggs and Stratton repair that other than destroying the finish of the new engine, the only other major achievement was to leave the machine 'outside', where all good gardeners leave their expensive new equipment, to enable a red brown rust to take hold of the expensive Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine's body. A Briggs and Stratton repair that totally failed. The Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper was not used again after the first chipping session after this attempted repair. This was when it was discovered the machine was failing yet again, just as it was when newly purchased. The Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper had been to two service locations I would not want the machine to visit again. This Ripoff Report is about both the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper company and Briggs and Stratton engine company preferring to leave the customer with the problem, a home organic gardener that invested so much in their product, that tried to make the right selection, selecting a product vastly bigger than actually needed, a heavy duty product that would assure any job would always get done, easily, and a product that would most likely last a lifetime. This Ripoff Report is about both the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper company and Briggs and Stratton engine company leaving the customer stranded. Companies pleased to bank my money and leave me with painful memories of being an owner of a Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper with my selected Briggs and Stratton engine. It's about someone getting ripped off by their dealer, but instead of Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper doing the right thing, bring a good Samaritan, they stepped away from the problem. Stepped away from a customer that went out of their way to pick a Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper, paid a fortune for it and ended up with a machine that never ran properly, ever. It always had and still has the same problem. Documented. Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper company simply stepped away from the customer and Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper problem. I purchased it for a small garden that has a few trees. To chip a few fallen branches each year and shred the autumn leaves for compost for organinc gardening. So after paying a small fortune to get a heavy-duty Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine for the specific purpose of never having the problems you can have after a few years with lesser machines, I ended up with a total lemon, a Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine that's never run properly. I've spent more time trying to start the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine than it has spent time processing garden waste. My choice of a Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper for a heavy duty machine really backfired. I've had to process all the materials by hand and compost leaves without shredding. I look with envy at others, such as the man over the fence who purchased a less than $50 weed whacker cord based leaf shredded he puts on top of a trash can. It works 1st time every time, and he's processed everything for years and years with no problems. Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper prefers to let my approximately $1, 500 investment sit. They like it that they have my money. They've invested it. They don't care about the plight of their Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper customer. I called Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper for help a year ago, as I had come up with a big job for it. The first time it was really needed for in many years. If I'd had the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine at that time it would have helped me out a great deal, saved me a lot of work and made the quality of the result dramatically better and quicker - all the things I made this immense Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper investment for. Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper simply chose to leave me in the lurch. I never had a Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine that ran. I never got my new Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine. Even with the fortune I paid for the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine, I never got that new shredder smell. For the most part, all I got was very hard manual labor and the fuel smell of a Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper flooding engine that didn't want to cooperate. I had to pull the starter rope so much/many times it literally broke the rope return spring which I had to re-manufacture myself to use it again. Trying to start it, just pulling that rope a few times, it's not a tiny engine, would leave me exhausted. I'd try to start it over and over after rests and breaks, but for the most part it always ended up being a futile task, but every so often it would start, and after running a little while it would slowly start to splutter and then die. Then I was back to trying to start it again, trying to get the task I started complete. The Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine would come outside only a few times a year. Autumn leaves, fall cleanup and any storm debris or tree trimming, but it was the same story each time. The very hard work was trying to keep the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper running, not the tree/leaf/brush cleanup that most others would think was the work, and I really mean this and emphasize it. It was incredibly hard/harsh on me having continuous spells of pulling that rope 20 to 30 times and achieving nothing, resting and doing again and again - totally frustrating and exhausting, sometimes in high humidity, and when it wasn't, it didn't matter, as trying to start the machine was such hard work I became humid even in the cold. I would estimate for the few hours of work my Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine has done (I'd say somewhere less than 10), I've spent probably three or four times that many hours, 30 or 40, just trying to start it, and the machine has probably run in testing mode in repair nearly as much as it's run for real. Even now, after what the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper company and Briggs and Stratton white collar staff have done to me, I ironically still like the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine. It looks like was designed and built well by their workers. I think I chose the right machine if it had only worked, but that's just the beginning of the story. I took this issue to Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper and addressed it from the enthusiasm angle, because I wanted to know if they still had the same enthusiasm about their Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper that I did/do. I wanted to know how they treat their enthusiasts. The Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper is by far the worst investment of my life. I wanted to see if Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper would rectify that problem. It's the company behind the product that can make or break it. I've found it's Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper company that's the problem and I'll address them in my next post. The report is also about this Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper company also going to their Briggs and Stratton engine maker contact and coming back with nothing but a simple denial from their Briggs and Stratton region's rep. Briggs and Stratton. Another company that is pleased that a simple home organic gardener that spent their life savings on their product, and not only that, chose their engine, as there were other options. A company that's pleased to allow a customer like this to receive a product that never ran properly. Pleased to have the customer ripped off (money and repair) by the dealer under a guise of trying to make it work. Briggs and Stratton knowing this, was also pleased to keep the customer with this Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper product that's never run proplerly, even after another repair attempt, this time at their Briggs and Stratton service place which also failed to diagnose and repair the problem. Briggs and Stratton is pleased with this incredibly poor service that did nothing to make the problem go away, but did leave the entire Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine out in open elements for weeks, initiating rusting of the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper body and Briggs engine (the machine had always been looked after properly (before and after), garaged). Pleased that the customer's engine, sold as a pristine gleaming white finish, was now a well chipped white on top from their cylinder head removal and valve grinding, and also had an ugly smashed/cracked look in the carburetor area after it was stripped down during the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper dealer's first service attempt. Pleased that this Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper dealer had conned us out of money for a fuel related issue - which simply wasn't possible, as the machine was new, it had a fuel filter, and no other engine I have had has ever had a fuel related issue from my gas can, even other Briggs and Stratton engines. A Briggs and Stratton regional rep is pleased to sit back and allow a customer that chose their product and invested so much of their life savings in it, to take such a huge loss. Pleased to see the customer's approximately $1, 500 product not do its job properly, ever. Pleased to hear of all the difficulties. Pleased to hear their customer was scammed. Briggs and Stratton, a company that's pleased to say that your new engine is an engine that could easily be a damaged looking severely overhauled engine because Briggs and Stratton failed to manufacture it properly in their factory. A defective multi time stripped and rebuilt engine that they considerer the same as the bright gleaming mint condition one you saw on the brochure. The one that caught your eye for a purchase. Briggs and Stratton is pleased to waft a denial. And a big thumbs down to a simple home organic gardener that expended so much energy to select their product and to try unsuccessfully to make it work/run. Pleased that the customer received one of their complete lemon machines. It was my chance to buy something I or any home organic gardener could only dream of, at price of more than a luxury dream holiday, out of my life savings. Just look at what I received and had to go through. Having said all this I want to make it clear that there are a couple of issues that possibly provide a rogue company a chance to weasel out if that's the way they work towards their good customer. Being honest, I state these. 1/ It has been a long time, many years since I dealt with the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper. It was largely almost forgotten as it didn't work and I had an easy alternative for the things I had needed it to process. 2/ After 2 failed attempts to fix the Mackissic Mighty Mac Chipper Shredder machine by the pros, and having some mechanical expertise, after diagnosing and studying it a little, I purchased a manual and parts from a Briggs wholesaler and took the cylinder head off and discovered the problem - coking. The intention was to work with Briggs and Stratton to solve it, but with no Internet or communications channel with them it never progressed. I had wanted the product to work, so probably for this reason it hadn't dawned on me that this product was actually a lemon (it was much much later when I realized this). The Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine was mothballed at this point, within its warranty and has done nothing except be rolled a few hundred feet and collect a lot of dust. Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper company has seen many photos which clearly detail the condition of the machine, body and hammers and compartment. Those photos were of the dust covered machine. I've cleaned the machine for the photos on this RipoffReport, which shows the machine as it is today, something anyone would look at as brand new looking other than the multiple service facilities damage to the engine. Having said that, and being honest: You could say, why leave the problem so long, or try to look at it yourself? There are many reasons, and most of them were generated out of a heavy dose of frustration caused by the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper and Briggs and Stratton machine's total failure to work properly. The Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper dealer ripping me off, and the Briggs and Stratton repair facility leaving my well cared for Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine out in the elements to rust for a week or more and then achieving nothing but a wrecked engine finish, and more frustration as listed above (and much not reported yet). Nobody would want their new Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine, purchased with their life savings, to go through all this. I didn't want this to ever happen again. For it to be torn to pieces for nothing by this bad process. I purchased a new Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine, so I'd have a new Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper machine to look after and last a lifetime. I didn't buy a second hand, re-manufactured scratch and dent special. In fact I would have been much better off if I had. I'd have saved $1, 000 and it probably would have run. The keys are: Honesty, 1/ This machine has never worked properly from shortly after day one (once the engine coked up). I was scammed, and not only that, was scammed out of money by the Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper dealer. Caring, It's about 2 manufacturers that should deeply care about: 1/ 'their customers' having a great experience with 'their dealers', 2/ 'their customers' that select 'their product', 3/ 'their customers' having a great experience with 'their product', 4/ 'their product' actually working. 5/ going above and beyond to make any legitimate problem right for 'their customer'. Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper has showed no caring. Their Briggs and Stratton regional rep also showed zero caring through Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper. The Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper dealer did care - he cared to rip me off. He had me cornered and he was simply only after (and got) more of my money. His service was fake, he went through a carb strip down, but he knew it was not the problem. The other Briggs and Stratton service center wasn't even set-up to really care about a single customer's machine - open air - do we all dump our expensive mowers etc in the middle of the lawn when we're not using them? The majority keep them in a shed or garage. Why does Briggs and Stratton authorize anything different, for them to be tossed out to soak in the elements for weeks, waiting in a long queue? The Mackissic Mighty Mac Shredder Chipper problem is here on Ripoff Report because this is one of the fair and 'transparent' consumer problem reporting sites. This is a very brief start and I will expand on the above problem in upcoming postings. I am looking for both companies to understand that the purchase of their product has been a nightmare for this consumer. I'm looking for both the companies to halt the nightmares and correct the problems. The photos I post should display right under here (if it all posts as planned). These are thumbnail pictures. They are actually large high quality images. The thumbnails photos may look small in this edition of the system, but I think you can click on them to enlarge them. Another way that will ensure you see the largest highest quality view of them is to click on the web addresses I'll provide in the postings I'll follow up with regularly throughout the year.

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