I ordered a REAL nice (looking) pair of boots from Macy's. I thought, that I could trust this name to send me only the BEST of quality boots. They sent me a pair where the left boot was mal-formed and facing out to the left. I sent them back, and then to Knoxville, Te US
I ordered a REAL nice (looking) pair of boots from Macy's. I thought, that I could trust this name to send me only the BEST of quality boots. They sent me a pair where the left boot was mal-formed and facing out to the left. I sent them back, and then they sent me a bill for $21.67. I, of course, refused to pay it, and got it reversed, but the fact of the matter is, they did NOT include a return policy for faulty products sent. If you got a faulty product, YOU had to eat the cost of sending it back. It is deducted from your refund, also, they fix it (to where) if you try to find out how much it would REALLY cost to send it back, (on your own) they have it fixed (to where you can't.) You get charged what THEY want to charge you in shipping, whether it costs that much or not.
I felt that, because I ordered these boots online, they probably sent me a pair that had already been sent back, with the hopes that I wouldn't go thru the trouble of sending them back, and, if I DID, they'd still make money off of me.