September 15, 2008
Customer service reps- don't speak english well
Macy's Visa Customer Service reps do not speak or understand English very well; actually... I shouldn't generalize... but the two I spoke to (2 months apart) were damned awful. I believe they are outsourced to India, as many companies do these days.
-Both times I was asked to repeat myself 2 or 3 times through the whole conversation.
-Many times, they asked me to spell out a word and even a numeral more than once. I mean, if I have to spell out the number 2 (two), there is something wrong here! Especially when you are dealing with my money and credit rating.
-Very long and silent pauses between each answer
-In this recent instance, they called me on my cell phone requesting payment information, and when I called back with the information they requested, they couldn't locate my account by my cell phone number! Really? You JUST called me on that number. After 10 minutes on the phone trying to locate my account, he asked me more questions and I just hung up!
-The first time I called, I didn't have my account number in front of me and they also couldn't locate my account, either by name, address, SS# or cell phone. They finally found it but since I didn't have my card right in front of me they started asking me security questions. I had to get 3 answers correct before they would do anything with my account. On the one hand, I'm glad that they are that secure but I couldn't answer all of them.
-They asked me questions like, my first boyfriend's name, how many cities have I lived in, the color and type of the first car I had (the one my parents let me drive or the first one I bought?), my first elementary school! I couldn't believe it! For my car answer, I said "tan Chevette". My original answer must have been "beige Chevette". Of course they didn't understand that "tan" and "beige" are practically the same color! Ugh...
-Anyway, I am going to call back several times over the next few days, requesting my balance, next payment due, last payment paid...and record each and every one of those calls and find someone to give them to!
-I would suggest that if you need customer service go to your Macy's store and work it out there. Otherwise, beware.