I ordered three Tour de France jerseys during the 2005 Tour and each was roughly half the size one would have expected. I returned them all. They were intended for my two grandsons and me. There then followed months of e-mails and faxes concerning the method of refund. I had to provide bank numbers for international payments, etc. MadeinSport refused to simply refund to the credit card I had used when purchasing the jerseys. In the end, after they made the same requests for bank information about four times, and I answered fully each time, MadeinSport just went off the air and I never received a penny in refund. The whole exercise had cost roughly $225 for the jerseys and another $125 in Canadian customs and shipping charges.
Based on this experience, I would advise anyone to avoid MadeinSport like the plague. Their sizing is totally unreliable (later I learned that the same jerseys are carried in retail stores in my home town, London Ontario Canada, and the dealers know to order very large sizes to fit people who would normally take a much smaller size). And, most importantly, their refund practice is hopeless.