Crossover GPS works fairly well as a GPS, but displays annoying behavior that 6 calls/requests to their tech support (so-called) has failed to fix. They always suggest the same thing to fix it: 'Have you updated the firmware?'. Yes, stupid! Three or four times just for fun.
Problem is ETA calculation flashes completely nonsensical times between valid times -- consistently all along a route. Other problem is the ETA is usually WAY off, because I know how long a country route (for example) will take me to arrive. The unit is regularly 2 hours off (slow), but seems to begin correcting itself when I'm 20 miles from the destination.
Finally, the blasted 'TrafficKit" I purchased for $100 have NEVER, NEVER detected any traffic problems, even though it always has a good traffic signal and the subscription is always 'OK'.
I give up on being mad. I just laugh at them for thinking they sell a good GPS. In summary: GARMIN.