I have contacted Maytag Corporation's, (recently purchased by Whirlpool), CEO and Chairman of the Board, Jeff Fettig at 240 Edwards St. S.E., Cleveland, TN 37311, and was refused directly by his Executive Officer, Sara Gibson, to replace my 4th or 5th F1 faulting keypad. I have been dealing with these faults since 1999. Nothing else is wrong with the range. They have come up with excuses as far fetched as my keypad is infested with roaches and the roach droppings have caused it to beep this F1 fault. I assure you, that is not possible, nor is an electrical surge of any kind, nor an excess spraying of cleaning fluid on the keypad or a boiling over of liquid from the stove...if anything boils over on my stove, it runs to the back left corner, not directly in the front center and down the keypad. I have called, emailed and written letters of complaint, and still they will not replace the keypad because my stove is out of the warranty period. I feel that since this keypad faults regularly every two years or so, the warranty should not apply. It is obvious to everyone except Maytag that this is a defective part. I will not give up the fight. It has been requested that I return the stock pile of defective keypads to Maytag to be tested, along with the years of paperwork I have concerning this defective part. I am doing as they request in the hopes they will honor my request for a replacement keypad at no charge. But at the same time, I have been told the only way to eliminate me as the cause of the fault is to examine the keypad while it is in the stove, but they will not send a technician to my home to do just that. Please write to Mr. Fettig and state your case, in numbers, maybe we will have voice enough to be heard. I know I am not the only one with this problem. Mr. Fettig has been quoted saying "Our strategy is to enrich the value of our products and brands. Customer loyalty is an important element of this approach, and Whirlpool (recently purchased Maytag) innovation enables our people to create the products and services that delight our customers and grow shareholder value." Please remind Mr. Fettig of his belief in customer loyalty and products that delight customers.
J. L.
Wildwood, IL