Magic Jack

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Magic Jack Reviews

joantaf July 9, 2009
device broke in a few days
device not sturdy, broke after purchase. put it in usb port and it actually brobe. needs my money back.
Terry July 7, 2009
Unauthorized charges
Excellent as a separate FAX line.

BUT: No 30 FREE Trial & Voice is skippy.

BUT... Yes, Magic Jack is Cheap.

AND... Buy simply as a FAX line - It is worth it.

For TALKING, it should be better, and probably will be soon, as it is a GREAT idea.
mrsLauramichelee June 30, 2009
Bad conduct on behalf of magic jack
I cant even tell you where they are based out of, where is the corporate office? And why is there not a address on there product they send you? Because this is one of the biggest scams out there! they are making money off of us the consumer's I bought my magic jack in 2008
I was billed twice for this product to get my refund I had to file a complaint to my bank after doing so I was refunded my money more then after a month.
It was not 1-2-3 and go I had to go to live help several times. because I didn't have service pack 2.
after downloading it my magic jack worked for a few months Iv been without a home phone going on 6-8 months because after awhile
the devise stopped working saying BROKEN STORAGE What ever that means its not good! I returned the device without receiving a new one. after talking to them several times with live help they told me to return it. I did and never in return received a new one.
after waiting as long as I did because I had major back surgery I bought
a new one after buying it, they would not help me connect it with the old phone number. that I paid for 5 years for phone service . and then there
live help supervisor disconnected my live help after I asked for the corporate office phone number. whats wrong with this picture?
eu4ia June 27, 2009
magicJack is Misleading, Does NOT provide the quality of service that it advertises and the customer support is far below the poor perfomance of the device itself!!!

I purchased the *magicJack on the go from a Walmart store and was on my way to majicJack bliss so I thought, What a deal, $39.99 for the hardware and a full years service of unlimited calls in the United States with quality audio and 24/7 Technical support, Now we're talking what people really want, A bargain price for a quality service, How could you pass up a "DEAL" like this?

Well let me tell you WHY you should pass, Firstly the magicJack installs itself and is extremely hard to uninstall for the average user, In fact the magicJack company even wishes you "Good Luck" uninstalling on the bottom of the official uninstal page-, Isn't that polite of them...

Secondly once you have installed the software and plugged in the jack look out...Here comes the advertisements, Wow I didn't see this in the fine print, It won't stop, Constantly telling you how much you can purchase a *majicJack for...Uhmm Hello...I allready did that, You're paid in full Dan Borislow, Can I have my service without all the hype?...NOPE notta chance of that happening, But wait there's refuses to co-operate when you want it off your monitor, POP UP's bother you? Well this is the most annoying POP UP I've ever endured, But hey I want the great calling service that Mr.Borislow promises so maybe I can tollerate the pop ups...OOPs what was I thinking? I wasn't!!! I was tricked like thousands of others right out of my money, Conned, Misled, Scammed, RIPPED OFF!!!

Thirdly, It just isn't going to happen!!!, I just gotta call everyone and let them know that I just made the purchase of a lifetime! I bought a majicJack and it's great, Sorry what ya say? Hello? Can you hear me? Hello?, Hello0o0o0o...Yeah just what I wanted, this thing might not be such a deal after all, but let me try the customers technical support team, surely they can rectify this problem, After all this is the *majicJack, Just let me find that toll free number to contact them...Uhmm What? are you kidding me? THERE IS NO NUMBER!!!However they have this excellent team that I can instantly chat with who will make the magic happen, Fix my broken promises, guide me through the stepes that will make my *majicJack experience a good one, Provide the service that was advertised...I'm just a click away from phone euphoria...Yes Sir Mr. Dan Borislow, You won't let me down, I trust anyone who has his daughter endorse his product...YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!!! you're watching that bank account get fat and the complaints roll in, still where's the fix? when are you going to make this thing right?...

So after a unproductive drawn out affair with the technical support team giving me the run around... The slap in the face of reallity hits me, The *majicJack is poorly supported, Over praised, Misleading, Not the Quality I was gauranteed, It's annoying, Drops calls or won't even make them, I quit, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!...I'll just ask for my money back, I've only had it 10 days, let me get that support team on here 1 last time... AND HERE"S WHAT I GOT...

Gerald: Hello, how may I help you?

jesse: Hey Gerald I would like to get refunded and send this magic jack back

Gerald: Let me help you with that

Gerald: May i have your email address ?

jesse: great

jesse: [email protected]

Gerald: Thank you.

Gerald: Please wait while I check that for you

8 minutes pass and I finally ask;

jesse: you here?

Gerald: Yes.

Gerald: I am still checking it.

Gerald: May i ask, where did you placed your order ?

jesse: I bought it from walmart, brought it home and hooked it up

jesse: bought it on June 17th

Gerald: Oh okay. Now here is the thing Jesse. Just return it in Walmart and ask for refund. They have their terms and agreement. Rest assured that there are no extra and hidden charges here at our end. :)

Gerald: Is there anything else I may help you with today?

jesse: ok terms and agreement doesn't sound as if I'll get my entire amount returned, how bout' I send it to your company with a copy of my reciept and you send me a check????

Gerald: Sorry. But since you have purchased it there. They are responsible for any return and replacement. Just visit them Jesse.

jesse: O.K. I'm gonna copy and print this conversation on a blog and make a copy to show walmart and I would like a number to call to talk with a supervisor please

Gerald: We do chat support Jesse.

Gerald: I will now transfer you to a supervisor.

Gerald: Thank you for your patience. I will transfer you to a higher level of support. Please hold while I transfer you.

Please wait while I transfer the chat to the best suited site operator.

You are now chatting with 'Ezekiel'

Ezekiel: Hello Jesse.

Ezekiel: Allow me to read your previous chats here in our end.

jesse: hello, It seems I'm getting a run around on getting a refund for the magic Jack, uhmmm why is it that your company will not honor the reurn policy, and I'm being told to take it to the place I purchased it? I am no longer in that area

Ezekiel: Okay, I understand that.

jesse: so it's impossible for me to take it back to that store

Ezekiel: I am sorry to hear that.

Ezekiel: Do you mean that you want to return your magicJack device here in our end?

jesse: yes

Ezekiel: Okay.

Ezekiel: Since you purchased your magicJack in Wallmart, you need to return it there since they have a different terms of service than us even if they are one of our resellers and we do have our terms of service as well.


Ezekiel: Please click on the link above for our Terms of Service.

jesse: O.K. so you will not refund me my money then, Is that corect?

Ezekiel: You can find it on the last 2 sentences of Number 2.

Ezekiel: I apologize to say but yes since you did not purchased it online nor throug phone.

jesse: O.K. Thank you for taking my money, giving me a poor product and I will be posting this entire conversation on every blog I can find to deter any future customers from making the same mistake!!! Have a good day sir

So if you're considering purchasing this product, DON'T!!!
Save your money, purchase a YAHOO voice account or buy yourself a decent meal, You could even give the $39.99 to some vagrant for a alcaholic wine binge...BUT DON"T GIVE Mr. Dan Borislow your money, He's allready taken MINE!!!
Llouzader June 24, 2009
Fraud & Scam
The Magic Jack is beyond question the worst consumer electronic product I have ever bought.

I bought this device in April 2009 at a nearby Radio Shack outlet and paid cash. When I got the thing home, it worked very well- it booted right up, and worked mostly very well, for a service that costs $2 a month. Audio quality was fair, what with many clicks and beeps and other noises. But for the cost, who could complain?

The real problems started after six weeks. Since that time, the middle of May, things have gone straight downhill. Calls do not reach me. The device will not boot up, or my computer does not recognize it, or something; and the audio quality has deteriorated to the point where I cannot make outcalls at all, because my voice "breaks up" and I am unintelligible to the person at the other end. Calls are dropped constantly mid-conversation. Callers reach someone in another state, or country, or the call is diverted to my voice message box, and the caller is told that the box is full.

But the worst part is that this device has caused people calling me locally to incur long-distance charges as a result. A friend of mine, who lives 8 blocks from here, called me at my 773-area code Magic Jack number, from her 773 land line, which is AT&T. She was billed $22.00 for these calls, even though they are local calls in the same area code! She called AT&T, and the other service provider, whose number AT&T provided her with, and was told that AT& T has complete discretion to decide what constitutes a long distance call.

Please note that AT&T provides the long distance connection for the Magic Jack, as they proclaim on the user interface that pops up when you plug the device into your computer.

I believe that AT&T is sharing in this fraud and that the FCC ought to sanction both companies, and shut Magic Jack down completely.

I am lodging complaints with every relevant authority, including but not limited to the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), my local BBB, my state legislators, my congresswoman, and my senators. I strongly urge all of you posting here to do the same.
Humay June 23, 2009
no service
I bought into the Magic Jack idea...paid the express shipping...went for the license on install...they have no area codes or prefixes I can use...they say just wait our engineers (?) are working on getting some...I had the feeling I should have just sent them the $100 PLUS shipping both ways counting the immediate return and searched for a truthful operation.
PhilWW June 18, 2009
Discontinued service
I purchased a Magic Jack @ Best Buy about 2 mo ago for $39.95 - This includes one year of service with free calls in the US etc. You can't call other places unless you prepay. Today my MJ wouldn't work. After over an hour "chatting" with Geraldine and then Roy all I know is they say I have an unpaid balance on my account but they cannot tell me why, how much or any other rational information. Finally I just disconnected because they were asking me to explain to them how this occured. They wanted to know if my credit cards were not paid up and if I had unpaid PREPAID international calls and my shipping address(I printed the dialogue for entertainment value) -- it was obvious they could not explain why they had discontinued my service except they claimed I had an unpaid balance-- THEY ADVERTISE THAT EVEN CHILDREN CAN NOT PLACE CALLS THAT WOULD CREATE A BILL so if you want to possibly waste your money with no sane explanation feel free. Also I know of situations where they charge the card immediately despite their promises to the contrary and then after that they tried to bill a second time saying the first charge didn't go through.
HarryV June 18, 2009
Customer Service
I have had my Magic Jack for less than 90 days, but over the 30-day free trial. During the trial it worked well enough most of the time, but since then the audio quality has continued to degrade. I have tried all the prescribed resolutions available on line, but nothing has worked. Today I engaged in a chat with Magic Jack to request the return of at least the five years additional service I (foolishly) signed up for. The chat transcript is below, but the bottom line is that I was told I was SOL, and to reread the terms of service. Has anyone gotten any satisfaction at all when requesting a refund outside the 30-day trial?

Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Sheri'
Sheri: Hello, how may I help you?
Customer: Hello, Sheri. I am not satisfied with the voice quality of my Magic Jack, and want to return it for a refund. I'm not satisfied with the info I received when I queried your FAQ. I've had the unit for about 90 days, but the audio problem is not always there. Just often enough to make this impractical to continue. Please tell me how I can at least get back the money I paid for the additional five years.
Sheri: Do you want to opt for a replacement?
Customer: No. I've already had my land line re-installed.
Sheri: Okay.
Sheri: Please fill in the RMA form.
Customer: This is no good. The order was placed over 30 days ago. The RMA form will not allow me to continue.
Sheri: Okay.
Sheri: One moment please...
Sheri: Please wait while I check that for you
Sheri: Thank you for your patience. I will transfer you to a higher level of support. Please hold while I transfer you.
Please wait while I transfer the chat to the best suited site operator.
You are now chatting with 'Evert'
Evert: Hi, this is Evert, from higher level of support.
Customer: Hello, Evert.
Evert: I am sorry but you cannot return your Mj anymore, you are already beyond the 30 day free trial
Customer: I am not satisfied with that answer. I can understand being stuck for the first year, but I paid for an additional five years. I at least want that money refunded.
Evert: No I am sorry, it cannot be refunded as well, if you want, you may sell or give it to loveones so that they can use the MJ. make it sure that they have good internet service provider so that they wont encounter any audio problem like what you having right now. Because I believe you are using wireless card or aircrad connection
Customer: My internet connection is an aircard, but it is a good connection. Why would I give something that doesn't work properly to any loved ones? That would not be very loving. I really must insist that you refund money received for services that will not be provided. To not do this will generate much negative publicity that can easily be avoided. You know it is not right to keep the money paid for the five years extra service.
Evert: We already gave you 30-day free trial, and with that certain of time, you must decide if you want to keep th product or not, but then you were using it for morethan 2 months. Your internet connection is intermittent, resulting to bad audio on your calls. even if your internet connection is very strong, because of the type of internet connection that you have, that will still result in the bad audio on your calls
Customer: The 30-day trial did not present the persistent problem now being encountered. I continued to try to make it work, but it is hopeless. If you are not authorized to comply with my request, please transfer me to someone who is.
Evert: I am one of the supervisors here, so please believe me, you will still receive same answer from them
Customer: I am not going to give up on this. It is not right for you to keep money for services not provided. Please comply with my request.
Customer: Why would you want to damage the reputation of your company over such a small amount of money?
Customer: One unhappy customer tells at least 10 others.
Evert: Would you like to read our term of service? On the process of registration, we let our customers read it. Would you like to read it again?
Customer: No. I don't need to read it again. Regardless what your terms of service say, as a matter of goodwill it would be in your best interest to refund the money received for the additional five years service that will not be provided. We are talking about customer goodwill here, not your terms of service.
Evert: Yes we are, but also, we must stick with our terms of Service.. That is why every business have its own TOS because anytime there is a problem, we can stick for it.
Customer: OK. You stick for your terms of service. Please give me a phone number to call to complain further. And, I would like a mailing address so that I can send a registered letter complaining about this.
Evert: We dont have it and I believe that I have already provided you all the information needed and we are keep on repeating the same process. I have to end this chat, Bye
Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.
CCEC Contracts SRS Security June 3, 2009
Magic Jack Server Error
I signed into my account and everything was sufficient with the functioning of the device. It appeared to be operating correctly. Then it kicked me off of my signed in account and wouldn't recognize my email address. Sounds like a web errer and not the device to me. My first Magic Jack experience. WoW!!!
DSweets June 2, 2009
Contact Info
This is not a complaint, rather a response to those who have been taken in by Magicjack. I have posted a complaint with the BBB of Southeast Florida. The matter is still under dispute, however, I do have what no one else seems to be able to locate: CONTACT INFORMATION!!! According to the first response from the company (given to the BBB so no doubt it is correct) their address is: MagicJack 5700 Georgie Avenue, West Palm Beach Florida 33405. The man that responded to my complaint was Peter Russo at 561-594-2140. I hope this helps anyone else that was sucked in by this company.

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With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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