I had the unfortunate experience of working with Jeanette Buerling – National Tire-Battery! Media Group - Jeanette Buerling – con artist and thief on a project that we sent to her in good faith that she tried to go around us to take over the project. It just backfired for her so badly and what it did, she made so many anti-Semitic slurs to many of our team.
Although she is backed by a fund, beware of doing business with Jeanette Buerling – National Tire-Battery! Media Group - Jeanette Buerling – con artist and thief. Jeanette Buerling – National Tire-Battery! Media Group - Jeanette Buerling – con artist and thief and her partner will stop at nothing to beg, borrow, and steal other people’s properties. My friends had the unfortunate experience to work with her on a film recently where she went around treating people poorly, screaming at them; where we all thought it would be best if she were on medication.
Jeanette Buerling – National Tire-Battery! Media Group - Jeanette Buerling – con artist and thief is a predator and will walk on anyone, lies to anyone to get what she needs. Feel free to call the producers of her last movie for any references you need.