Few months back we bought a Maharaja washing Machine. And let me tell You that till then we have a very bad experience while using the washing machine.
Its a total waste of money which we have done.
Every now and then the washing machine's Drier cover breaks from inside(You can say in a Week). We have used other washing machines as well like Godrej and we haven't experienced any inconvinience regarding that washing machine but this machine is a crap.
We have complaint numerous time to the service center in rohini.(Adds:33 Auction of commercial plot in PSP-IV service. centre, sector-11, extension Rohini,
Phone numbers:91-011-27523820,27523120.
Mobile number of the technician:9312018450
When we tod our problem o them without checking the machine they told us to change the cover again and again.
Actually its too costly so we can afford it again and again.
Complaint ref number is:6843
Please go through this case and kindly take some action against it
Personal Details are as undersigned:
Customer name:Kamal Bahal
Phone number:91-011-65290278
Home address:239 Mukherjee nagar Delhi-9