I was offered a job through a staffing agency in which the comapny MailTree in fort lauderdale FL hired me. The position was for translating documents that were to be mailed to Japan. This company also solicitis other elderly people around the world. I was making $15.00 hr before, I left my previous employer for Mailtree due to the attractive salary that was being proposed for the position. I discovered soon after that this company is conductuing fraudulent business. This information has been reported by the New York Times.
They asked me if I can translate documents into Japanese format to be sent via mail to solicit money in hopes of winning large sums of money. The letter contains check or account deposit numbers, telling people that you win 143898024 yen, about $1million dollars, or a new car asking simply for a small processing fee of $50.00 with return envolpe within 14days, or 7 days etc... I compalined to the staffing agency, that I left a great company, not knowing that the new position that I was hired for was targeting elderly individuals within Japan and other countries. They advised me to speak with owner, Matthew Pisoni directly. I spoke with him, and asked if there was ever a true opportunity that these individuals would win any reward. His response was, "this is not a scam or type of fraud, and the correspondence never promises such a thing". Additionally he states, " I am have been sucessfuly operating this business for over 7 years, and my attorney reviews all the documents before becoming official.
I did not agree, and told Matthew that I am not an attorney who can translate these documents, and do not feel comfortable being involved with such an organization. I have seeen the names and mailing addresses, most of which are seniors. I could tell by the names as I am Japanese and well aware of my culture, the characters in the names are those of elderly citizens . I asked an employee that sat next to me if she knew about this? She simply said I dont know, her position is simply data entry, she has never heard or seen any of these letters that are mailed out. What is sad this about this mattter is everyone only cares about the money. I learned a big lesson. I jumped on this job because of the promise of a great income, but I will not disrespect or take advantage of others by assisting in any form of fraudulent activity. I have much respect for other human beings and do not wish to have anyone suffer as a result of the type of business that MailTree conducts. I do not know how to effectively combat this type of company. I can only hope that justice for the victims can be served.